hospital (ch.6)

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Genya POV:

Muichiro and I had been sticking by eachother whenever we had free time. I hadn't seen Yui at all today, when I asked Muichiro where he was at he just looked down. I assumed he didn't want to talk Abt his brother.. at lunch we had been sitting down at a table, it was just us. Well, besides all the kids in the cafeteria but at this table is was just us. We were talking but suddenly he stopped and just sat in silence. "What's wr-" suddenly yui appeared and he slammed his hand on the table loudly. He went on about how Muichiro should be hanging out with him not me. I was kinda offended. He also said that he was no good..I felt bad. Nemi does the same to me sometimes just not the hanging out part. Muichiro stood up and ran off. I stood up and glared at Yui. "Why would you say such things to him?!" I yelled back. A few people were looking. Yui scoffed. "Well I was right. It's not like you two are friends." He said showing no emotion as he crossed his arms. I slammed my hands on the table. I wanted to yell such mean things to him.. my crush faded away from him while he was gone for that week. I was looking back at everything and realized I could never love someone like him...or he could love someone like me. Fuck it. "I can't believe you! know what he's going through, along with you! How could you say those things?!" I yelled back. I didn't care if this ended our friendship. I realized how he was so rude to me at the same time during this argument. He looked at me. "Oh okay, so he told you?!" He yelled back, I could feel his anger at this point. At any moment I know he was going to lunge at me. "Yes. He did! Is there a problem? I was fucking worried about you! Obviously I shouldn't have been! You seem perfectly fucking fine for wanting to start a fight with your brother over him hanging out with someone other than you!" I yelled back digging my nails into the palms off my hands. For some reason, my nails felt sharper..and longer? I ignored it as I realized Yuichiro had his arms to his side now. He walked over to me and punched me. I fell to the ground as my nails were still sharp and my tooth fell out...I looked at it. He looked at me, then my tooth. I felt like tooth re grew? It was sharper..the other one became sharper as well. Yuichiro looked at me kinda grossed out as he could see I wanted to puke. I covered my mouth as he kicked me in my chin, my other tooth fell out and re grew immediately. My head hit the floor, blood started coming out of it. I felt my head as I sat up. It stopped bleeding and the pain stopped. I winced in pain as I realized my palms were also bleeding from my nails.. Yuichiro stared at me. I can't hurt him..I can't. He kicked my leg, my foot went into a werid direction. I yelped in pain as it suddenly snapped back into place. I stood up wiping the blood from my mouth. He looked at me surprised. "What the hell?" He mumbled. I scratched a side of his neck..I didn't want to punch him but I had to fight back in some way. He grabbed his neck whining in pain. He punched me again and I fell back but not falling over. He pushed me to the ground and started punching me.. I couldn't feel any pain just kept healing somehow. I heard Sanemi's voice.

"Tokito! Hey- get the fuck off him!" He yelled and grabbed Yuichiro's shoulder. I felt his tears on my neck and face. Yuichiro started choking me as Sanemi continued yelling. He had to get Mr. Tengen to get him off me..I never passed out though. After he got off me Sanemi panicked and hugged me tightly. "Why didn't you fight back?!" He yelled. I shrugged as he looked at my bruised face and the blood coming out of my nose and mouth. "Did your tooth fall out or something..?" He mumbled. I nodded and opened my mouth showing him the sharper ones that grew in almost immediately. "Does anything hurt?" He asked as he helped me up. I shook my head as I limped slightly. "Did he hurt your foot?" I nodded. "Ow- fuck!- your nails are so fucking sharp!" He said as I accidently cut him.. "sorry" I mumbled. These teeth felt werid.. I didn't want to talk. "It's fine." He sighed as he helped me to the nurse's office. I got some help and Sanemi took me home.

.-The next day.-

I was walking to my locker. It was 12am. Right after lunch, but the halls weren't crowded. Just a couple stood on the same floor, they were making out.. I looked away as I was grabbing the two books I needed for art. It was just about color theory and shading..I sighed closing my locker. I heard the door open. "Muichiro?" I mumbled as he limped through the doors. He looked up at me, he had no emotion it seemed.. he was all..bloody. He didn't get far before he fell over. I quickly rushed over to him. I fell down besides him. "Muichiro?!" I mumbled a bit louder. He started foaming at the mouth...I panicked I didn't know what to do. I picked him up bringing him and slammed my head on Mr. Tengen's door. My head was bleeding but it quickly healed. He opened the door. "Hey- oh my god!-" he yelled. "What do I do?!" I yelled. "U-uhm- I don't know?!" He yelled back. "Uhm- stay here...! I'll find someone! He quickly said and turned to the class saying that if anyone walked out or tried leaving the class they would get detention for a few weeks or something. He shut the door and quickly ran off. My breathing quickened as I sat against a few lockers, he had his head against my chest. The foam stuff stopped coming out of his mouth and but he was still unconscious. Rengoku came running down the hall as Tengen was explaining everything. "Oh my lord- we have to get him to a hospital!" Rengoku panicked. "Uh- call an ambulance!" Rengoku turned to Tengen. He nodded quickly grabbing his phone. "Stay here with them while you get the ambulance, I'll tell Ubuyashiki!" He said and got up running off. Tengen nodded and was explaining everything. An ambulance was supposed to arrive within 3 minutes. Rengoku appeared a minute before the ambulance arrived and said that Rengoku should go with Muichiro and I to the hospital and Tengen refused to stay so he came along.

Words: 1182

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