A break for awhile? (ch.4)

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Yuichiro POV:

I was walking out of history, my last class, before I was stopped by Mr. Rengoku. He looked a bit upset, or sad? I couldn't tell with his smile, it seemed to be fading slightly. "Yuichiro, they need you in the office." He said tapping my shoulder before I walked out. A few kids shoved past me. "Oh..why?" I asked. "Uhmm, it's not my place to tell you!..I'm sorry as well.." he sighed going to to give me a hug, I backed up. "not a hugger?" He asked. I nodded and walked out. I went and dropped off my books and walked into the principal's office.

Mr. Ubuyashiki was sitting down as he glanced down at a few papers and up at me. "Hello, Tokito." He greeted me smiling. "Hello" I replied blankly sitting down. "I have some..sad news." He said sighing as he pauses for a moment. I gave him a puzzled look. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's your parents." He said just getting to the point. "Mhm?" I hummed. "Well, they were attacked, today, the doctors are saying shortly after you and your brother left this morning..." ".. attacked?" I said more puzzled. "They are alright, right?" I asked. "Well, your mother has a low chance of making it and your father..he passed." He sighed. "..what?" I mumbled as I felt tears starting to welp up in my eyes. "I'm sorry." "What were they attacked by? A bear?" I mumbled as a tear fell down my cheek, "no, a demon." He said. "A-a demon? They actually exist..?" I mumbled as I felt my breathing quicken slightly. "Yes, they do exist.." he sighed. "I'm sorry again Tokito. Would you like to stay here until Muichiro has to leave and then you two can visit your mother?" He asked me. "I-i guess." I mumbled as I let tears fall from my eyes. I sniffled a few times as Mr. Ubuyashiki patted my hand slightly. I started sobbing. I held my knees to my chest..I probably looked like a child crying about a toy... I couldn't believe this. I put my legs down as I felt like I couldn't cry anymore after a few minutes. I pulled my hand away sniffling more as I whipped my tears with my hands... I heard the door open and saw Muichiro walk in. Mr. Ubuyashiki Sat him down and told him. He started bawling on the spot not even caring how father died and how mother had a low chance of survival... He found out about the demons and I just looked at the ground, I felt like I couldn't cry anymore. Like my tears were just being soaked up by a sponge. I felt bad for Mui as well obviously.. I patted his shoulder as he hugged me tightly still crying. I held him close. We haven't hugged in a few years..the last time we hugged was after our mom caught us fighting over a wooden toy or dad made..I ended up getting it but our mom made us apologize to eachother and hug it out. That was also the last time I ever even said the words sorry. Or my apologies...I always just say yeah or look at them for a moment.. I'm gonna miss mom. I know she's not going to survive. That's just our luck. So now we would be orphans. Cool. "But, I'm letting you two take a break, for the rest of this week and next." Mr. Ubuyashiki said. Muichiro pulled away and sat back down. "You two can uhm, continue, with your day, you have break right now so yuichiro you can just tag along with Muichiro for the rest of the day, or for your last class and I'll notify his teacher." Mr. Ubuyashiki said calmly. I nodded and stood up, bowing and walked out. Muichiro following what I did and followed after me.

We sat in the library as I was reading something, trying to get everything off my mind as genya stood behind me. "Are you guys alright?" He mumbled in my ear. I nodded slowly closing the book and setting it down. This isn't the first time he's done this, I mean coming up behind me and whispering something in my ear Atleast.. "are you sure?" Senjuro asked. I couldn't do this. I felt tears sting my eyes. I pushed Genya's hands off me and he took the sign to move back, I stood up quickly pushing the chair down and ran out the library and into a nearby bathroom, shoving past a few people, I was crying. I couldn't believe this. I swore up and down I would never cry in school. Here I am. I locked myself in the first stall. I slid down to the floor slowly as I covered my mouth and started sobbing. I hiccuped a few times as I sobbed more. I heard Muichiro's voice. "Yui?" He knocked on the stall. "Y-yeah?" I mumbled still covering my mouth. "Are you alright?" He asked. I laughed slightly. "Yup!" I said crying more. He sighed and sat on the outside of the stall. "Sorry, stupid question." He mumbled. He was fidgeting with his nails, I could hear him. I cried a bit more. "We could just stay in here for the rest of the day." He mumbled. "That was the pl..plan." I said pausing for a moment. "Mhm" he hummed. I heard his head hit the stall door. He reached his hand under the door. I grabbed it squeezing it tight. "Everything will be alright." He said trying to reassure me.

-.time skip to after the break, they're back in school and yuichiro is pushing everyone away.-

Genya POV:

I sighed. It was another week without Yui and mui. Senjuro wasn't even talking to me. He was hanging out with Mr. Rengoku. All the time. I get that's his brother but.. whatever. I saw Muichiro.. he looked so sad. The way I could tell it was Muichiro was by him playing with his hair and bitting his nails, Yui hated these things. "Oh..mui, what happened?" I asked. "u-uhm..our uhm parents passed away. Mr. Ubuyashiki said we could have a break.." he mumbled. My eyes widened. I felt so bad..I knew how losing a parent could be so hard..I mean, I lost my whole family except for Nemi. I sighed. "oh gosh..I'm so sorry..." I mumbled. He nodded. I could tell he was about to start sobbing.. a tear ran down his face. I quickly dragged him over to me, hugging him tightly. Muichiro hugged me back tightly and sobbed quietly. I patted his head and rubbed his back. "shh..it's alright.." I whispered placing my chin on top of his head. He sobbed more. He stopped crying but continued hugging me. I pulled away. The bell rang. "you should getting going" I said. He nodded sniffing. I pulled an arm around his shoulder as we walked to his locker. He grabbed his books and I walked him to math. Shit. I saw Nemi and he glared at me as Muichiro walked to his seat. "Get your ass to science." He said blankly. "Sorry!-" "yeah cut the shit for when you come to math later you sorry ass simp." He said then slammed the door. I sighed as I walked back to my locker grabbing my books and ran off to science.

Words: 1253

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