Chapter 4 The Decision

Start from the beginning

Pete, he is the light of my life. The light which I thought I never needed. The one who penetrated through all the dark sorrows of my heart. He was there for me to embrace me even though I failed, even though I fucked up. He was there with the same genuine smile which made my heart strangely peaceful. I know it all started in a very wrong way. Or in a usual way for me. But he was not that usual toy... I knew it the moment he was concerned about me. Even though I was the one who hurt him.

I was an animal. I am still an animal but pete somehow managed to poke my heart. He pushed me twice that day
. One with his little cute but strong hand and the other with his teary eyes. That was when I realised I couldn't stand the sight of him crying! I want him to be happy all the time. Because, i... I love him!
I love everything about him. So I let him go for his life. But I started to miss him the moment I woke up. And ended up confessing to Porsche. But I didn't mention our sex to him. I mean I had valid reasons to hide it.

1. It is a very private thing between me and my Pete. I want it so special for us.  And Porsche has no rights to interfere.
2. That Porsche is a buffalo he will probably kill me the moment I say I spoiled the innocence of Pete!

The door opened and expected a shy, terrified Pete. But my smile dropped when Kinn and Porsche entered. Uuhhh... I shouldn't have told Nop to call this bastard.

"Hey cousin" Kinn greeted me with a big smile.

"Hi Kinn. And Why the hell are you here?"

"Nothing. I just came here by chance and Dr Top told me you were here. So what's up? Taking some energy rest before digging your grave?"

"More like taking a rest just saves some energy to dig someone else's grave!"

We glared at each other. Nothing unusual! But I chuckled when my gaze shifted from angry kinn to puzzled Porsche. I mean yeah we all know how Kinn came here.  But you know we can't lose our cool.

"What on earth is wrong with this family!" Porsche freaked out.

"I don't know! Even I wonder why you agreed to marry his family. Look, the older one is crazy, the younger one eloped from home, the middle finger one oh, I mean the middle one is just there to ruin the family wealth. Who on earth with the right mind will marry him?!"

I fueled the fire. And I felt proud of it. Kinn was so stunned! Haha!

"Says the person who was knocked out with a beer bottle and cannot stand on one's own feet!" Kinn smirked.

"Can you both please stop? And Vegas. I hope your disease will cure REALLY quickly. Or else please contact me, I know an uncle who does some home medicines for such ACCIDENTS!" Porsche said grinding his teeth. Was that even a threat? Eww!

"Anyway, Nop told me you need a guard to babysit you. I will assign one nanny today to the minor family mansion."

Uuhh... Kinn is getting on my nerves!

"Watch your mouth bastard. Don't you have basic manners to show to a patient!"

"Yes, I thought of buying you flowers but it felt weird. Then hospitals don't allow you to gift knives. So sorry for not buying anything!" kinn said unbothered. This jerk!

"Anyway we are leaving Vegas. I heard you are going to the minor mansion this evening right? You go with Nop and I will send the assigned guard there, which I SELECT!" Porsche declared.

"Okay." I can see Porsche was stunned by my agreement. I trust Nop. He will somehow make my plan work, you buffalo!

They left the cabin after some formal chats. And I continued to wait to see Pete after days!


When we came back from the cabin Pete was sitting in the hall. And he looks... Happy? Might be because he felt at ease after seeing Vegas safe and sound. Oh, my sweetie.

Pete looked in our direction with glittering eyes and ran toward us.

"Ah... Khun kinn... Khun kinn, I will look after Khun Vegas!"


I freaked out.

"oh... I mean I can't attend the rough training anyway because I am still weak. So I thought it would be easier for me to do this duty than other works in the mansion."

Pete said with a convincing tone.

"Well, yeah that's true. So let me inform big brother and the other guards. You can pack your things and move to the minor mansion this evening."

Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"wait. No... No.. That's not how-"

"Come on Porsche, you are the one who made this idea. The willing one will go. Let pete go there. He doesn't have to do any tough work. And he knows how Vegas is. So this is perfect. Now stop whining for your best friend and come. I have a meeting with Pa in half an hour."

"Uh... You go ahead I will catch you up within a while."
I dragged pete towards me and whisper yelled.

"What the fuck are you saying? You can't go to the one who captured you!"

"It's okay Porsche. It is not like that. This time I am going there with full permissions and everyone is aware about that. So he is not gonna do anything to me. "


"No Porsche,  I made my decision I should look after him. It was my fault that he is in this state. I should have let know the guards. I need to do this as a compensation. So this wi ease my heart. And I beleive Khun Vegas will never do such things to me again. After all he is weak!" Pete smiled at me showing his dimples.

Uh... This boy!

"Okay. Let's discuss it in our room. Come. We have enough time before evening. "

I dragged him and he was looking at the direction of the ICU cabin.

Does he?

"Pete, do you want to visit Vegas?"

Pete looked down and I can see his eyes getting glassy.


He whispered.

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