Epilogue: The Cockeyed Lesson

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"In the depths of an opulent world, beneath the facade of a formidable gang, I ventured into the enigmatic psyche of a commanding figure. Amidst treacherous plots and clandestine machinations, I discovered the art of wielding darkness to forge my own path to triumph and glory. As history unfolds through these sacred pages, the embers of my legacy shall ignite the flames of enigmatic conquest."


I remained seated at my opulent table, the epitome of authority and power, assuming my rightful place as the supreme leader of my formidable gang. Engrossed in the pursuit of knowledge, I perused the sacred text before me, an extraordinary relic that held the secrets of my idol, the enigmatic and commanding figure whose very presence compelled the world to bow in reverence. This extraordinary individual possessed an indomitable strength, a force of nature against which none could stand. An extraordinary leader, he fearlessly led his loyal disciples, forging a path towards triumph and glory.

A deep sense of perplexity coursed through my veins as the bank employees reverently presented me with an aged, yellowed diary, an artifact locked away in my hero's impenetrable vault. Their whispers, laden with solemnity, conveyed the enigmatic instructions that this precious volume was to be unveiled only upon his inevitable demise. With trembling anticipation, I reached out and made contact with the weathered diary, an object imbued with an otherworldly energy that mirrored the very essence of its enigmatic author. The electrifying jolt that surged through my fingertips encapsulated the nefarious aura that had so captivated my own sensibilities. Resolutely, I breached the threshold of the diary, embarking upon a voyage into the depths of my hero's psyche, as captured through his meticulous penmanship.

"If your eyes are now traversing the pages of this sacred tome, then I have departed from your world. Within this chronicle, I have inscribed the events that molded me into the formidable figure I became in my final hours. Herein lies the answer to the ascension of my rule over the coveted throne of Mewar. I trust you shall derive immense satisfaction from the enthralling tapestry of my life's narrative," the author's words leaped from the page, resonating within the chambers of my soul. I gently turned the page, my gaze riveted to the intimate confessions contained within my idol's diary.

"The story commenced during the nascent stages of my third year in college, an era defined by the pursuits of a youthful mind brimming with a passion for literature, the relentless pursuit of physical prowess, and an insatiable craving for the forbidden pleasures of tobacco. But little did the world know, concealed beneath the veneer of academia, lay a familial legacy steeped in criminality. My father, an illustrious patriarch of the underworld, had divulged his clandestine profession during my preceding year of study, though he erred gravely by concealing this knowledge from his trusted associates. I found myself initially stricken with shock, yet swiftly adapted to the ever-increasing affluence that accompanied our nefarious trade.

All appeared to be progressing in an unremarkable fashion until that fateful day when the faint whispers of treachery reached my ears. Eavesdropping on my elder brother and his subordinate, Gulshan, I gleaned insights into their wicked machinations, plotting the extermination of both myself and my kin once my brother ascended to the throne of our empire.

Fear, like tendrils of icy dread, coiled around my heart, threatening to extinguish the very breath of life within me. Desperate for salvation, I turned to my progenitor, seeking solace in the convoluted annals of our nation's dark history. Intriguingly, I queried whether a sage like man, Dara Shikho, could still emerge victorious and claim the mantle of Mughal King by becoming the villain like Aurangzeb.

To my astonishment, my father confirmed the plausibility of such an audacious reversal of fortune. And so, the wheels of providence began to turn within my mind, birthing a meticulously crafted plan that would irrevocably alter the course of history, decimating the modern-day incarnation of Aurangzeb and anointing Dara Shikho as the triumphant sovereign.

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