9. Ashish's Wish

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"In the ethereal symphony of life, let the mellifluous melody of your soul cascade harmoniously, beckoning tranquility and solace, as you navigate the labyrinthine streets of destiny."


The ethereal symphony of the stars cascaded harmoniously through the serene night sky. Its mellifluous melody beckoned both body and mind to surrender to tranquility, while offering solace to the heart, allowing its rhythm to regain its natural cadence. The arrival of night bestowed upon Ashish a much-needed respite, a balm to soothe his restless soul.

Ankit maneuvered his car through the labyrinthine streets in silence, his gaze intermittently drifting towards Sunaina, who was engrossed in a conversation on her cell phone. Frowning slightly, he shook his head, deciding to swiftly transport the complex pair of siblings back to their home and hasten to his own. His grandmother was due to return from Delhi at nine o'clock, and it was imperative that he be present to greet her.

"Ease up on the accelerator!" Sunaina's voice resonated with frustration as her head inadvertently met the car's roof, jolted by an unforeseen speed bump.

Apologizing with a mischievous smirk, Ankit replied, "Apologies, folks! But time is of the essence. My grandmother is returning today, and it would be remiss of me not to be present at home. We'll arrive at the palace in no time; it's already seven."

"Ack! Your grandmother despises us," Sunaina growled, her vexation palpable. She harbored resentment towards her lover's grandmother for her injudicious comments about Sunaina's illustrious lineage, tracing back to Maharana Pratap, a scion of royalty.

"Please, let's not rehash that matter," Ashish interjected, rubbing his head, which bore the brunt of the speed bump. His expression bore traces of concern, etched onto his visage.

"What's the matter, Ashish?" Ankit inquired, peering into the side mirror, attempting to discern his friend's troubled countenance. His eyes caught a glimpse of a shadowy figure trailing their car persistently. Puzzled, he raised an eyebrow and said, "Ankit, take a right turn at Suraj Pole."

"Pardon? I don't understand," Ankit replied, his confusion evident. Nonetheless, he complied, following Ashish's instructions implicitly.

"Perform a swift U-turn and then turn left towards the palace. We're being pursued by a car that has been tailing us relentlessly for the past few minutes. Trust me, no one will notice you reversing; just follow my lead. I suspect they are Aham's lackeys." Ashish's words tumbled out hurriedly as he retrieved sharp pebbles from his bag, strategically dropping them on the road, hoping to deter those in pursuit. Simultaneously, he employed his popularity to shield himself and his friends, aware that his name carried weight and could serve as a protective barrier.

"That ominous black vehicle remains hot on our heels. Stand with me and help fend off these assailants," Ashish implored urgently.

In a matter of seconds, pedestrians along the streets joined forces, launching rocks at the black car. The driver swiftly executed a U-turn, accelerating away as fast as possible. The occupants of the pursued vehicle realized that if they dared to stop or retaliate against Ashish, they would face the wrath of the impassioned crowd, ready to mete out their brand of justice to those who dared harm their beloved prince.

The driver reached for his phone, dialing his boss's number and activating the speakerphone, placing the device in its cradle. The phone rang for several heartbeats before the driver heard the commanding voice of his superior.

"I knew you would contact me, Gautam."

"Yes, boss, we encountered a predicament."

"I'm well aware of the situation. My wife happened to be at a restaurant with her friends when the incident unfolded, and she promptly informed me. Report to the headquarters. We shall deliberate on our course of action."

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