Chapter Eleven ❤️❤️❤️

Start from the beginning

"There will be plenty of time for more questions later, but I think that Nora would really like that shower right about now." Emma smiles down at Nora and she smiles back. All this smiling was really a new thing for Nora but she was sure she could get used to it.


The drive back to the loft with Emma and Henry was relatively quiet, Nora bussied herself looking out of the window, and tracing the shapes of the passing buildings with her finger. Henry watched her with a small smile as the sun brought out coppery strands in her hair and amber flecks in her eyes. Emma would glance back at the pair occasionally, a smile on her face. When they all got back to the loft, Nora hurried off to the shower, and Henry went to change.

After turning on the water just hot enough to be uncomfortable she stepped in. As the water ran down her body, she tilted her head back. She wanted all of the memories Zelena brought gone, and that includes all of the blood covering her body. She rinsed out her hair and shampooed it, massaging her scalp gently. With a sigh she lets all the bad things go and focuses on the way she felt when she was Henry on the other side of the clearing, how she felt getting Ice Cream with Emma, and when she bothered David. And with this she vowed two things. The first, she should make this place her home, and second she was going to get her memories back. For both of those vows she wasn't sure how she would uphold them but she knew with Henry's help she could.

As the group in the living room hear the water turn on they started to talk about the predicament they had currently found themselves in. Regina rolls her eyes and rubs her forehead.

"Are we not going to talk about how monkey-girl has her claws so deep in my son she could brainwash him to do anything?" Emma rolls her own eyes at her comment.

"Oh come on, Nora is not some criminal master mind."

"That we know of." David adds in as Snow gives him a pointed look.

"Why would Zelena torture her own lackey?" Asks Emma, not buying Regina's story at all.

"And you don't think it was awfully convenient that she was all healed up and ready to go when we showed up?" Regina presses on.

"Exactly." David agrees.

"I knew from the start that we shouldn't have trusted her. She is going to get my son killed and we are just welcoming her into our home like she's the special guest." Regina says angrily.

"Our son." Emma says stepping in. "She is not going kill our son, and I'm sure you and I will make sure of that. And anyway-"

Henry walks into the kitchen, having changed as a loud clang if heard from the bathroom.

"I'M OKAY!" Nora says loudly from the bathroom and Henry laughs.

"The shampoo bottle." He says pulling a glass from the cupboard and filling it with milk. Regina raises an eyebrow.

"What?" Henry looks up drinking his milk, mildly confused at her confusion.

"She usually drops it in the shower...." He says not putting two and two together. Regina's eyes widen and she stalks towards him, Emma blinking in confusion.

"And how would you know this?" This is the exact moment when Henry knew he fucked up.

"Uhhh she told me." He says drinking his milk and looking around the room.

"Liar! He's lying." Emma says shocked. Regina's takes away his milk as Henry chokes on the mouthful he currently has. Henry is coughing as Regina presses on.

"When were you in the shower with it?" Henry, if possible, chokes more on the milk and goes into a whole new coughing fit.

"WHAT!?" He says in between coughs.

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