37. An Unforgettable Summer

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It was late in the morning when Sabina found a sliver of shade to tuck her car into in the marina parking lot. She could see Isaac helping Otis unload canoes from his trailer, so while Mel emptied the trunk of the car she took a minute to slather sunscreen on her legs.

This wasn't a goodbye party. They still had a few days before they all went their separate ways. Or rather, they had a few days until everyone else left, and Sabina stayed behind in High Valley to join the family business. Alone. No Riley. No Mel.

She was absolutely not having second thoughts about any of it. This was what she had always wanted. She was excited to start her real job with High Valley Honey.

She just needed a little time to get used to the idea of staying when she had been prepared to leave.

Either way, they weren't saying goodbye, just having a friendly gathering to celebrate a good summer that wasn't quite over yet. Mel had suggested an evening at Pebble Beach, but there were still fire bans in place, and no one felt like sitting around on the beach at night without a campfire. Other ideas had been floated, and Otis's suggestion of a boat day won out, even though all the ski boats were booked up and he had to scrounge up some dingy old canoes.

Now, Mel grabbed the lunch bag from the trunk, but she poked through it instead of carrying it down to the dock. Her face lit up at the sight of the fluffy homemade buns Sabina had used for the sandwiches.

"Damn, you pack a great lunch," she said, sneaking a carrot slice from the container and popping it into her mouth. "Don't tell Alice, but this looks way better than her picnics."

"The potato salad is Riley's, but I'll take credit for the rest." Sabina laughed and smeared sunscreen over her arms. "I can't believe that Alice drove all the way out to the market to have lunch with you, more than once, and you never even thought, like, maybe?"

"Okay, listen." Mel flipped her sunglasses up on her head. "I appreciate a girl who knows that food is my top priority, but on the other hand, you're a smoking hot babe."

Since the winery intervention, Mel had taken to complimenting Sabina every chance she got. Sabina liked it. She liked it a lot. It was her third favourite thing that Mel did with her mouth, after kissing and that other thing that she'd done last night. Just the memory of that made Sabina blush furiously.

Mel grinned. "What's that look for?"

"Nothing. Here." Tearing her gaze away from Mel's lips, she tossed her the sunscreen and peeled off her shirt, revealing the pink, polka dot bikini top underneath. "Do my back."

Her eyes crinkling, Mel squeezed sunscreen onto her palm. "Turn around, then, Queen Bee."

Sabina realized at once that she hadn't thought this through. Mel's sunscreen application technique was more like a sensual massage than the brisk efficiency when Riley or her sisters did it. Her palms were soft and warm, and she lingered a little too long over that sensitive place under Sabina's ribs.

Was she really going to have to give up this feeling? As her breath sped up, that did seem like a foolish decision.

Her situation only got worse when Mel leaned in against her ear and lowered her voice. "You're thinking about last night, aren't you?"


"Really?" Mel gently squeezed the soft curve of her hip. "Because I am."

Sabina's skin buzzed all over, but she made herself say, "Well, save it for later. Are you done?"

"I'm done."

Sabina twisted around and tried to frown at her, but Mel didn't move out of her personal space. Instead, she crowded in, sliding her palms over Sabina's waist, still smiling that wicked smile.

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