36. The Four Steps

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As her final week at the farmer's market wound to a close, a bittersweet feeling began to creep over Sabina. She'd made her rounds, visiting the other vendors one last time and saying goodbyes. Then she'd checked in with Mr. Chibana. He was fully recovered from his bee sting, thank goodness, and he congratulated her again for making the top three in the Best Vendor Prize. She didn't ask him if anyone had tried to interfere with the final results. She decided she didn't want to know.

"You certainly helped make this market the place to be," Mr. Chibana said, tapping the butt of his pen against his clipboard. "I've already heard from vendors who were at Lakeshore Markets this year but want to join us here next year instead. Even Singh Family Farms has asked for their spot back." He bared his teeth in a triumphant smile. "I hope we'll see you back next summer?"

Sabina was about to say she hoped the same, but for some reason that didn't quite feel true. The summer had been great in a lot of ways, but stressful in others. She suddenly wasn't at all sure that she did want to do it again. Especially not without Riley or Mel. So she just smiled and said, "High Valley Honey will definitely be back next year."

On her way back, she stopped by Verger Orchards for a fresh-pressed juice. Otis rolled his eyes but didn't bother to argue when Mel let her have it for free, which she felt was a win for their intervention.

Now, she stood in the lane in front of the High Valley Honey stall sipping the admittedly delicious juice, listening to Wyatt and Helena talk seriously about the layout of the product displays. The High Valley Honey stand would still be here next week, but it would be without Sabina. Instead, her sisters and Wyatt would be running the show. Sabina needed the time to pack for her move and to say proper goodbyes to Riley and to Mel.

"You look like a proud mama hen watching her chicks leave the nest." Marie had come up beside her, her eyes twinkling. "Nervous, but maybe a little bit proud."

"It's gonna be weird to give it up," Sabina admitted. "I know I've only been in charge this one summer, but we've done so much. The stand feels like my baby."

Marie gave her a little squeeze from the side. "You have done so much. Look at those beautiful signs and all your wonderful new products. I love the exhibit hive, too, even if Mr. Chibana doesn't. What a great way to help people understand how important bees are."

Squeezing her palms around her sweating cup, Sabina did look. She looked at the beautiful signs that Christina had made and the candle-making kits that Helena had helped her dream up and put together. The exhibit hive had been mostly her, but even that, Mel had helped her build. And of course, there had been Riley, who wasn't here but had spent weeks waking up at 3 AM every morning just because she asked them to. Even Wyatt had started to be less of a nuisance.

With the end of the summer looming, she'd been thinking again about her plan, the four steps that were supposed to create an unforgettable summer. Step one had been to convince her parents to let her run the market stall on her own. All this time, she had thought that's what she was doing. But she wasn't the only one who had put her energy into making this summer at the market a success. She hadn't been alone at all.

Helena prodded Wyatt in the chest, the scar on her cheek puckering as she set her mouth in a stubborn line. Whatever they were arguing about, her sister was not going to lose to their man-child cousin.

Sabina had her reservations about leaving Wyatt in charge, but she suddenly had no doubt that Helena and Christina would keep him in line. And they didn't need her help to do it.

She took a deep breath. "Yeah. I think the stand is in good hands." She smiled and looked at Marie. "Hey, I'm gonna come look through your jewellery, if you don't mind."

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