Chapter 25: Innards of Buu

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(Reynard's POV)

I appeared alongside Luna and Magnar in Magisterial's realm. I landed on his feet, perfectly balanced, while Trunks landed flat on his butt, with his feet dangling in the air. I shook my head as I took in the embarrassing sight.

"Amature..." I said under my breath.

I shot Trunks a disgusted look before turning toward Magisterial. "Sir, I am not responsible for this..." I waved my hands defensively in front of my chest as I spoke to Magisterial, nodding towards Trunks. The realm of the Magisterial is sacred, and only a select few are allowed to bask in its glorious presence. It is certainly not reserved for arrogant half-Saiyans with purple hair!

A graceful chuckle tickled my ears. "Nonsense, any friend of Gohan's is a friend of mine." Magisterial stated and extended a lean, tanned arm towards the teenage Saiyan. Little grey hairs were glistering on his arms in contact with the sunlight.

Trunks took it without hesitation and my sensei pulled him up. "Thank y-" He started but froze as his eyes met Magisterial's intriguing eyes, coloured in a strange combination of brown and blue.

Magisterial chuckled. "The pleasure is all mine."

I rolled my eyes at Trunks' bewildered expression; everyone seemed to have the same dazzled reaction when they see Magisterial for the first time, I knew I had it too, but that's not the point!

"This place is incredible!" He exclaimed as he turned around with big excited eyes.

"And this isn't even the most beautiful part in this realm."

Trunks raised an eyebrow at my statement. "Unbelievable..." He breathed in astonishment. His eyes fell on the remaining guard of protectors who were currently standing with their eyes closed with frowns on their faces in utter concentration. "What are they doing?"

Luna growled in annoyance. "Do you mind?" She shot an angered expression our way. "We are trying to watch the fight." She took a deep breath and resumed the position her comrades still resided in.

"How can they watch the fight like that?" Trunks whispered in a baffled voice.

"It has everything to do with ki-manipulation." I answered. "Now if you'll excuse me." My voice trailed off as I closed my eyes.

"No fair." Trunks pouted. "Is there some way I could see what's going on?"

I pointed towards Magisterial's shed while my eyes were still closed. "There is a crystal ball in there." I waved for him to leave and he was off, leaving me to focus on the fight in peace.

In an instant, I could easily recognise the image of my friend and comrade in my mind. He was sitting on a cliff, his right hand hovering over his chest, while Buu was standing with his hands in his pockets opposite him, clearly mocking him.

I pouted, wishing there was sound...

A bitter smile formed on Gohan's lips as he yelled something to Buu. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open as I saw him thrusting his hand into his chest. His mouth grew wider as he probably let out an agonised yell and blood seeped out his mouth and nose in streams before he finally collapsed on his back on the cliff, his heart still in his grasp.

I think I am going to be sick...

Magisterial and the others gasped loudly.

Luna rubbed her eyes. "I did not imagine that? That really happened?"

We all nodded in unison, confirming that we saw the same thing happen. I grabbed a handful of my hair in distress. "What was he thinking?!" My voice was filled with despair.

Gohan: The Untold StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora