Chapter 4: A whole new world

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(Gohan's POV)

I awoke in a vast and extremely white meadow. It was as if I were standing in an array of clouds. My hands jolted from my chest to my legs, making sure everything was still intact. After that blast, I was surprised that there was anything left of me, to begin with.

Funny, I wondered, as I took in my surroundings. Dad described Otherworld quite differently. Wasn't I supposed to meet with King Yemma so he could assign me to heaven or hell or something? I shrugged. Maybe I just misunderstood him. Oh well, I could probably let myself be heard.

"Hello? Anyone there?" I called and waited a few seconds for a reply.


I took a few steps forward, deeper into the never-ending whiteness. This place was so bright, my eyes started to hurt. I cupped my hands over my mouth for extra volume. "Hello? Can anyone hear me?" I tried once more.

"Yes, yes, I heard you the first time! Just shut your mouth, some of us are trying to sleep here, for goodness sake!" Someone replied, clearly irritated.

I walked towards the sound of the voice. "Where are you?" I asked.

I heard a sigh. "Everybody always discriminates against the midgets..." I looked down. There stood a little dragon-like creature dressed formally in a black tuxedo. He pushed his chest out and stood on the tips of his toes; probably trying to appear more intimidating. I smiled warmly at the creature.

"Hey there, I'm Gohan." I introduced myself with a smile and bowed as a greeting. He didn't say anything; he just stared at me with a confused expression planted on his face. "Don't worry; I am not going to hurt you." I continued. My smile grew deeper and I extended my arm towards it. He angrily smacked my hand away.

"Do I look like a dog to you?" He yelled. Okay, someone has a temper. I thought glumly and rubbed my hand. That actually hurt!

He mumbled something incoherently, but it didn't sound too friendly. He flew up, and our eyes met. I flinched at his sudden approach. He pinched my cheeks and turned his head askew as he stared at me in astonishment. "You are real?" He asked slowly and pinched his own cheek as well. "I am not imagining things again?" His eyes grew bigger with excitement.

"Uh, no" I replied a little shocked. "Now will you please let go of me?" His hand was still glued to my cheek.

An excited smile spread across his face. He embraced me tightly around my waist, applying pressure on my lungs; a hug very similar to my mother's. "C...can't...b...breath." I somehow choked out.

The pressure lessened and I welcomed oxygen in my lungs with open arms.

"I'm so sorry, Gochan was it? I just can't believe an actual person is standing in front of me!" He squealed. "I haven't had social interaction with an authentic person in over two hundred years!"

"It's Gohan." I corrected. "Who exactly are you and what is this place?" I wanted answers.

"Oh, where are my manners? I am Drogo, king of this quadrant!" He stated dramatically.

I hesitated, looking around me at the mind-crushing whiteness. "Uh, nice place you got here?"

"Indeed." He simply replied. "So what can I do you for? Did King Yemma send you?"

"No. Well you see, I died," I pointed a finger to the halo on my head, "and the next thing I knew I woke up in this place."

He gasped. "You are a chosen one!" He grabbed my arm and tugged me forward.

"Huh, chosen for what?" I asked a little startled by his sudden outburst.

"No time for explaining boy." He let go of my arm and made some odd gestures with his hands. I just stood there, stunned. What is he doing? "Well, are you just going to stand there gaping like an ape?" He asked sarcastically. "Go through this portal before I push you through." He threatened.

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