"STOP IT!" Hinahoho's voice erupted, filled with frustration and anger. The sudden outburst startled everyone in the room. "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!" he declared, clenching his fist in front of him. "Don't decide everything for me! I haven't accepted it yet! Regarding this matter... and myself!!"

Silence hung heavy in the air as Hinahoho's words reverberated, his emotions laid bare for all to see. His sudden outburst left his family and their guests momentarily speechless, unsure of how to respond.

"Bro, what do you mean by 'this matter'?" Pipirika asked, her voice filled with concern as she remained seated near her brother.

"That's..." he started, his voice trailing off as he glanced toward Sinbad, his eyes reflecting a mix of confusion, apprehension, and something more difficult to discern. "Sorry... I still can't..." he mumbled, his voice barely audible, before turning on his heels and swiftly leaving the room.

"Bro! Where are you going?" Pipirika called out from her seat, her voice laced with concern and confusion. But her brother didn't stop nor reply. He continued his departure, his footsteps muffled by the snow outside.

"Bro, c'mon!" Pipirika shouted from the doorway, watching him leave with a mix of worry and frustration etched on her face.

Their father stood still, his fingers pinching his mustache as he pondered the situation. "Was it something that happened on the rampaging unicorn's island?" he asked, directing his question towards no one in particular.


Hinahoho returned after some time, his sister who had chased after him by his side. He scratched his head with unease, his earlier outburst weighing heavily on his mind.

He kneeled before his father, his head slightly lowered as he prepared to apologize for his outburst. But before he could utter a word, he was taken aback by the unexpected sight that greeted him when he raised his head.

To his surprise, he saw his father extending a bowl toward him, a smile on his face. The tension in the room seemed to dissipate as everyone turned their gaze toward him, their expressions filled with warmth and acceptance.

Hinahoho hesitated for a moment, his eyes welling up with tears, overwhelmed by the unexpected show of love and forgiveness. With a mixture of gratitude and relief, he accepted the bowl, his hands trembling slightly as he held it and took a bite.

Words were unnecessary in that moment. The silent exchange spoke volumes, conveying a sense of belonging that words could not adequately capture.


In the dimly lit room, the children of the patriarch and Sinbad and Reana slumbered peacefully on the makeshift bed of piled blankets. The quiet night was interrupted when Pipirika, lost in her dreams, turned around and accidentally slammed her arm onto Sinbad's chest.

"Sinbaaad, I can't eat anymore~" she mumbled, her hand gripping him.

Sinbad, jolted by the impact but unexpectedly still asleep, let out a muffled "Oof!" as he struggled to breathe under the weight of Pipirika's muscular arm. His attempts to free himself proved futile, and he found himself trapped, gasping for air.

Unbeknownst to them, a young boy with white hair covered in bandages and strings observed them from the ceiling. At the end of the string he held in his hand dangled a sharp dart with an arrow-like shape.

The boy, deeming that he had sufficiently appraised his prey, leaped out of the shadows, his weapon held before him, ready to strike Sinbad. However, his attack was abruptly halted when his stomach collided with a foot held high.

Loved by Fate ? - Adventures of Sinbad [Sinbad x OC]Where stories live. Discover now