"who said I can't finish?" I reply leaning down kissing him, feeling that his little is excited and must want some attention.

"whatever you say, but I want our first time with each other to be special not just a little quickie" he said, trapping my butt to tell me to get up I start picking out the clothes I wanna wear.

Really not wanting to put on any clothes I decided that I'm just gonna wear some great sweatpants and a white want top. Just throw in which ever shoes I feel comfortable wearing since we not going anywhere special beside the studio.

Going into the bathroom the look at myself in the mirror I decide that's I'm just gonna not wear any make or do my hair today. Might as well let my hair air dry and let me curls be free today.

Overlooking myself one more time I walk out the bathroom, grabbing all my essentials needed. "babe I'm ready."

Getting up from the bed chris grabs my hand as we exit the room leading the way downstairs to the front door. Walking outside, I notice that Chris decided to drive his black lambo today.

"you love this damn car you always driving it."

"this car is my baby gotta show it some love, this my favorite out of all my cars."

"one day you should let me drive it" I said giving him a toothy smile, hoping that day would be today. Knowing this man don't play about his cars, he be really iffy about certain stuff when it come to his cars treats them like there his kids.

"I don't know about that, if I let you drive promise you won't hurt my baby?" chris walks up to me wrapping his arms around me, as I place mine around neck.

"bae I promise I won't hurt your precious little car," I said caressing his check softly wanting to hand his keys over so I can drive.

"you sure?" he said side eyeing me.

"I'm positive I won't hurt you car, I'm convinced if something were to happen you would check on the car before me," pouting a little bit.

"fine — but don't be trying to show off thinking you in fast & furious you gone get a serious punishment if you do," he said as he gripped my ass so hard.

Handing over his keys to me I squeal a little bit because I never drove a car like this but it's always a first for everything. Getting inside the car I get situated before I start up the car.

"type in the address so I know where I'm going," I said to chris because I don't know where the hell I'm going. As he does what I told him to, I start up the car, pressing my foot on the gas while it's still in park I roar the engine a bit.

The sound of the engine makes me giggle a little bit because I'm amped as fuck to drive this car.

"aye now don't be playing" chris hit my thigh.

"sorry daddy, won't do it again" I said rolling my eyes as I started to pull out the drive way.

Watching Chris work really amazes me I'm able to see the process of the magic he creates. Seeing him in this light makes me see another side of him the hard working man that does what he loves.

Sitting on the couch in the studio I watch chris as he sits at the sound board messing with this track he had heard almost an hour ago when we got here.

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