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Colby and I aren't officially dating or anything, but we are a lot closer than before. We're constantly together and he's been super sweet.

I'm really happy that he took that chance on kissing me a few days ago. We haven't told everyone anything just yet.

We're going to tell our friends first, then our fans. I know I'm going to get a bunch of hate from his side but I don't really care.

I feel like our friend group isn't going to be surprised at all when we tell them. We were currently in the pool, enjoying the sun.

Sam was grilling, Grant and Colby were on the basketball court, and us girls were in the pool.

This is probably the most tan I've been all summer. Almost every day when it's nice outside, I'm in the pool with Colby.

We had a speaker playing different songs, which I thought was really fun. When Sam finished grilling, we all started eating.

The food was really good. This is why Summer is one of my favorite seasons. I love the heat and swimming almost every day.

"So, I have something to tell you guys." Grant spoke up. I have no idea what he was wanting to say.

We all looked at each other curiously. "Next Friday, I'm doing a show in a venue and I want all of you there." I couldn't help but smile.

It was going to be his first show. "Holy shit, G. I'm super proud of you!" I smile as I wrap my arm around him.

"I guess this band's opening act got sick and they asked me to open up for them for the night."

Even though he was just opening, I was super happy for him. Hopefully this brings more opportunities for him in the future.

He then looked over at me. "I plan on inviting Elliot." It makes me happy that even though we're not a thing anymore, everyone includes him.

He couldn't make it today since he had to work. He wanted to be here but couldn't take off.

I was honestly excited for this and I hope Elliot gets to come. The pool day at the boys house was honestly really fun.

Paige and Kat thought it'll be fun to go down the slide together. We played chicken, sang different songs, and just hung out.

Once we went back inside, I was extremely sunburnt. I asked Colby if he could put some aloe on my shoulders so it doesn't peel.

"I told you to put sunscreen on." He told me causing me to giggle. "Yeah, I can kinda forgot." I tell him him.

He put the aloe on me causing me to flinch since it was really cold. It did feel good on my burning skin.

After he put it on for me, we laid on his bed and turned on Netflix. "Have you seen the Walking Dead?" I asked as we scrolled.

He shook his head causing me to drop my jaw. "Turn it on." He did as I say and started the first episode.

We sat in silence as we watched it together. He seemed like he was really into it, which I liked.

We ended up binge watching the whole first season in one sitting since it was only six episodes.

"That was really good. We need to make that our show." I smiled when he called it our show.

That's what we watched every time I went over to his house for the next week.

By the time it was the day of Grant's concert, we were starting season three.

I was currently at the apartment, starting to get ready for his concert. For the concert, I had on jean shorts with a band t-shirt.

I had on a jean jacket over it and I straightened my hair. I left my face natural. Before Paige and I left for the concert, we filmed some videos.

We did it in the parking garage as usual. Once done, we get into the car and head to the boys.

We were meeting them there and we were gonna talk about the ride situation.

Elliot did agree to come which made me extremely happy. I was really excited for tonight.

On the way there, we listened to our favorite songs by Grant. We know every word and hopefully other people do.

I can tell this is going to be a big thing for him. When we got to the boys, we were the last ones here.

We walked in to hear them all talking in the living room. "Finally you two show up. I was getting worried." Kat said while bringing the attention to us.

When Colby saw me, he got a really big smile on his face. I was happy to see him and Elliot sitting next to each other.

We all talked for a little bit, talking about the ride situation. There's six of us and the majority of us have cars.

"I mean, we can use my Escalade. It's got seats in the back." Elliot spoke up. Colby chuckled while looking at us.

"Why didn't you say something sooner, brother?" He asked causing the rest of us to laugh.

He just shrugged as we all stood up to head out. We all walked out to his car to leave.

Paige and Elliot were up front, Sam and Kat were in the middle, leaving Colby and myself in the back.

I rested my head on his shoulder as we drove to the Venue. We listened to Grant's music as we drove.

Once there, we found a parking spot and head to the door. Grant gave us free tickets so we don't have to pay for anything.

The security led us in with no problem. We were in the front row so we waited for everything to start.

We did get here early so it's not too crowded but after a while it does fill up. When the music started, Grant ran on stage causing us to scream.

He looked down at us and started smiling. He didn't seem nervous at all.

He started singing which made us start singing. Kat and Paige came over to me so we can sing together.

He was doing so well and I'm so proud of him. You can tell he belonged on the stage.

I made sure to take videos and pictures of both him on stage and the three of us singing.

As we did, I looked to see Elliot and Colby talking to each other. It did make me happy knowing they were getting along.

The whole concert was amazing. Grant did good, we all had a good time, and we even got to go backstage when he was done.

Paige and myself ran up to him to give him the biggest hug. We all congratulated him and hyped him up.

As Elliot and Sam talked to Grant, Colby came over to me. "We need to do more group things like this more." He admitted.

I agree with him. "Oh for sure. Maybe next we can go to Six Flags." I suggest, half joking.

"Well, you know if you want to hang out alone, you can." He mentioned as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What are you getting at, Brock?" I asked while crossing my arms. I was really into this conversation with him.

I could see the ends of his mouth curve up into a smile. I was totally lost.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

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