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It's been a week since I recorded my first song and I did my photoshoot yesterday, which was extremely fun.

We set a day for it to come out, which is going to be in two weeks. I was currently at the apartment, hanging out with Grant.

Paige is out with her mom since it's her birthday so the two of us are hanging out.

Colby is filming with Sam so he's gonna be gone for the next couple of days.

It's for sure weird without him knowing I'm constantly with him when we're not busy.

"How's your boo thing doing?" He asked when I sat down from grabbing water.

"My boo thing?" I asked while laughing a little bit. "Yeah, Colby." I snickered knowing what he just called Colby.

"Colby isn't my boo thing." I laugh at him. He looked at me like he didn't believe me.

Colby and I are just friends. Yes, I might have some feelings for him but I know he doesn't have feelings for me.

"You say that now." He teased. He looked like he thought about something for a moment.

"I'm assuming you and Elliot aren't friends with benefits anymore?" I purse my lips while shaking my head.

I explain to him how I tried to call him and we got into a small argument about everything.

He looked sad for a moment as he spoke. "I was worried one of you was gonna catch feelings." He admitted.

"I would give him space and once he's ready, talk and listen to him." Grant advised me. It was a really good idea.

Even though Grant spends the majority of the time goofing off, he does give some really good advice.

Grant and I hung out for the majority of the day. We did go film some tik toks right as Paige came back.

She ended up joining us as well, which I loved. It had been a while since the three of us had filmed anything together.

"It's weird not seeing Colby attached to your side." Paige teased when we walked back in the apartment.

I roll my eyes as I grab a granola bar from the cabinet. "He's not attached to my side, we're just really good friends." I defend myself, once again.

Grant and Paige just give each other a look as I change the subject. She talked about how it was really good seeing her mom.

It feels like it's been forever since I hung out with just these two. We talked and gossiped and just hung out.

I did occasionally text Colby to see how filming was going and he said it was going really well.

I do miss hanging out with him but I'm happy to be hanging out with everyone else.

We hang out for the majority of the day. I didn't have anything planned for the next day so I spent the first half cleaning.

Since I was in a dire need to work out, that's what I planned to do. I put on some workout clothes and put my hair up.

I didn't typically go by myself but since I'm giving Elliot space, it's my only choice.

I drive to Planet Fitness so I can work out at the gym. As I was there, I played music through my airpods.

I got a message from Kurtis as I walked on the treadmill causing me to look. I guess they already edited and chose a picture for the cover.

I looked at it, and it looked really good. We already made the announcement on social media and everyone's excited to hear it.

Hell, even I'm super excited. I was at the gym for an hour before I left. It felt good to get a work-out in.

When I get back to the apartment, Paige was bringing dirty laundry out of her room. She looked at me surprisingly.

"You went to the gym by yourself?" She asked as I nodded my head. "I will until Elliot starts talking to me again." I shrug.

She threw stuff in the washer as I sat on the couch. Colby is flying back today so I haven't heard much from him.

It was weird but I was trying to keep myself busy and distract myself. I doubt I'll see him tonight knowing he wouldn't be back til later.

While Paige did her laundry, we hung out in the living room and watched The Vampire Diaries.

It was one of our favorite shows. It was nice being with her and spending some time with her.

It feels like it's been forever since just the two of us have hung out. Colby got back to his house around eight that night.

He told me he was exhausted and asked if he could come hang out tomorrow, which I was okay with.

I was honestly really excited to see him. The next day, I texted Colby when I woke up, asking what he wanted to do.

He said he was still pretty tired so he wanted to have a chill day. He suggested hanging out by the pool since it'll be sunny.

I agreed so I told him I would be there soon. I grabbed my bathing suit so I could put it on when I get there.

I told Paige I was heading out while I grabbed everything I needed. I drove to his house, excited to see him.

Even though it's been three days, it felt weird without him. When I walked in, I could see Colby walking around outside.

I went out there with a smile on my face. "What's up, stranger?" I tease when I go outside.

He smiled widely when he saw me walk up to him. "Well hey." He said happily.

I sit my bag down as I sit under the shaded area. "So, how did it go?" I asked curiously.

They filmed another video for their hell week in October. He explained everything that happened and how creepy it was.

I think it'll be exciting to go paranormal and ghost hunting. Maybe next time they go, I can tag along.

I loved watching him explain some of the things he saw. You can tell he loves what he does.

His eyes light up and he smiles while he speaks. "It sounds like I'll have to join you one day." I smirk.

He looked a little shocked for a moment, and then nodded his head. He leaned back while looking at me.

"Your birthday's coming up." He pointed out. I was really happy it was coming up.

I had no idea what I wanted to do for it yet, but I have a few weeks. It was the last day of June.

"Thanks for the heads up, I had no idea." I joke with him. He rolled his eyes towards me while fake laughing.

"You're such a smartass, Vanny." He teased me. I softened up a little when he called me that.

"Where did you think of that nickname?" I questioned him. He shrugged while thinking about it.

No one has ever called me that before. "It just came to my head and I liked it." He tells me.

"No one's ever called me that before." I admit to him. He softly looks over at me.

"Well good. That can be my little thing." I could feel the butterflies in my stomach.

I don't know how he's making me feel this way, not even Elliot can make me feel like this.

It seems like it's happening a lot more and I can't stop it.

The true question is, do I want it to stop?

The Little Things || colby brockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora