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"Only love can hurt like this!" I sing in the parking garage. Elliot and I are going to the gym to work out.

Since I was a few minutes early, I figured I could film for tik tok. Once I was done, I head over to Elliot's and pick him up.

We go to Planet Fitness and we head straight to the treadmills. I had my earbuds in playing heavy metal, which is good workout music.

Ever since Colby and I started hanging out, he's been showing me different heavy metal bands.

I tend to listen to it whenever I'm working out. Whenever Elliot's busy with work, I've been hanging out with Colby a lot more.

He's honestly a really fun guy to hang out with. We talk a lot about deep stuff. Stuff typical people would judge us for.

He's told me how he's scared to let girls in his life because of his fans. How they get overprotective and scare them away.

I saw a glimpse of that whenever he first commented. They weren't too bad with me though, which was alright.

We've talked about Elliot and how we're pretty stagnant. I still don't really have romantic feelings for him.

For all I know, he doesn't have any for me either. We said months ago when we started this thing, it'll be better if we were friends.

We haven't talked about it since though. Colby thinks he has some sort of feelings for me but I haven't brought it up to him.

It's just nice to talk to him and not feel any judgement. As we were walking on the treadmill, I could see someone walking over to us.

I looked to see it was Sam which made me smile. I took one of my airpods as he came closer.

"What's up, blondie?" I tease him as he came over to us. Elliot took his airpod out as well as he looked.

"I wasn't expecting to see you two here." He spoke as he stood in front of my treadmill as I continue walking.

"We try to come here everyday." I inform him. He nods his head for a moment while looking at us.

I could tell he's been here awhile since he's sweating pretty good. "Well, maybe one day I can join you." I think it'll be fun.

"The more the merrier." I smile at Elliot's reply. "While I'm here, I think Colby and I were thinking of bar hopping." He tells us.

"Are you two down?" He looked in between us. I could tell Elliot was about to speak up so I did before he could.

"Yeah, we're down. Just text us the information." I smile as he does the same. He says he's going to leave to shower and get ready.

I look over at Elliot to see he's looking at me already. "Savannah, you do know you're not twenty-one for another month."

I sigh as he reminded me. "You forgot about my fake ID." I barely use it but I still wanted to have one.

I got one when I first moved here. "I thought you got rid of it?" He questioned as he remembered back.

I shook my no towards him. "No, I thought about it but I never did. I'll be fine." I shrug it off.

People always say I look older than I do. "Are you sure? I just worry about you getting caught." I don't know why he's being so anal about this.

We've been to a couple bars together. "Elliot, I'm fine. I've never been caught before. Plus, I'll have you, Colby, and Sam there."

I do feel safer about going when there's going to be three different guys there. I could hear him sigh while he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Okay, but I can't stay out long since I have work in the morning." I nodded my head, completely understanding.

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