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This past week has been super busy for me. Since my first single has been doing amazing, we figured we could write another song.

It's called Seven and it's similar to my other single. It's about me questioning my past romance and calling it love.

Basically it's about me and this guy being together for seven months and the night we break up, we hook up with people we told each other to not worry about.

I helped write the majority of it and it took us a whole day to finish it. Once it was done, I spent the next couple of days, recording it.

Whenever I'm not in the studio, I'm at home or with Colby. Usually we hang out and chill because I'm too tired to do anything big.

Today was the first full day I have in the apartment so I'm catching up on cleaning everything.

I've been doing laundry, dishes, and washing all my blankets and stuff. Colby's been busy editing so we've both been pretty busy.

When Paige got home, the two of us ended up making a few Tik Toks in the parking garage.

"Do you think Kat wants to have a girls night?" Paige asked when we walked inside.

We called her to ask and she said she was down. She said she could come around five and we can have a girls movie night.

We figured we could order pizza and drink White Claws while watching rom coms.

We also figured it'll be fun to blow up our big air mattress. While Paige looked and made a list for movies, I blew up the air mattress.

I put sheets on it, a few pillows, and a bunch of different blankets. I think it looked cute.

By the time we finished, Kat walked in. She had a bag of stuff including pajamas, face masks, and White Claw's.

"I'm really happy you could come." I smiled at her as she joined us on the couch. "Me too. Sam and I got into a little argument." I frowned.

I asked what happened as she sat her stuff down. She said that for a while, he keeps saying how he doesn't want to get married until he's thirty.

"I know he wants to focus on his career but I wish he put me as his first priority too. He's great, I just think he's too focused on social media."

I could tell she was upset by it. "I mean, how do you not want to marry the person you've been with for so long?" She frowned.

Hearing Kat talk like this makes me feel really bad for her. I can see it from both sides.

Sam's youtube career is probably at its peak so I can see why he wants to focus on it.

I can see why Kat wants to get married to Sam knowing they've been together so long.

They've been together for six years so I can see why she wants to take it to the next level.

If I was with someone for that long and they would rather focus on their career, I would be heartbroken too.

That made me think what would happen if Colby and I were together. Would he choose me over his youtube career?

What would happen if I got offered to go on tour if we were together? I need to get these thoughts out of my head.

We aren't together and I doubt we will be. "This night will officially be a night to cheer up Kat." Paige declared making her smile.

We got comfy on the air mattress, looking for movies. The first one we put on was thirteen going on thirty.

I've always loved this movie. As we watched it, we ordered the pizza. I was really excited for this food.

Once it was ordered, we all started drinking the White Claw's. I didn't hear much from Colby knowing he was editing.

The whole girls night was really fun. I could tell Kat eased up and felt better by the time the food came.

It was nice to have this girl time with them. I honestly didn't want it to end. The next morning, we ended up eating breakfast at IHop.

Even though I usually try to eat a little healthy, I can't say no to IHop's pancakes. They were extremely good too.

Sadly though, when we got back Kat figured she would go back home. I figured I would call Colby so I dialed his number and flopped on my bed.

He answered it on the second ring. "What's up loser?" I ask making him chuckle.

"Just hanging out. How was the girls night?" I explained how I was bummed to see her sad but I'm glad I got to help cheer her up.

He told me how he could hear some of their argument. We both agreed we felt bad for both.

"I need to get out of this house though. Do you wanna do something?" Colby asked causing me to smile.

"I'm down. What were you thinking?" I questioned while sitting up. I could feel him smiling through the phone.

He said he had an idea and he would pick me up in an hour. When we get off the phone, I quickly got up to shower.

I took a quick shower and blew my hair. I decided to wear something comfy so I put on biker shorts and an extra large t-shirt.

I tied up my converse and grabbed everything I needed including my phone, wallet, and keys.

When he told me he was here, I left the apartment and climbed into the passenger seat of his car.

"Where are you kidnapping me to?" I ask while buckling myself up. He chuckled while pulling out of my apartment building.

"Vanny, I don't think it's kidnapping if you willingly get into the car." He did have a point there.

He told me how we're going to walk around the Pier so I dressed pretty well. He showed me some of his favorite songs on the way there.

Once there, we park the car and start to walk around the pier. This is actually my first time here so I was in awe.

There was a decent amount of people here. "You look like a little kid in a candy shop." He laughed causing me to look at him.

"You enjoy making fun of me, don't you?" I asked as he shrugged his shoulders. He walked along the pier with his hands in his pockets.

Spending the day with Colby at the Pier was really fun. We walked around, shopped, and rode some of the rides.

As the sun was setting, Colby and I rode the Ferris Wheel. We stopped at the top and we were facing the beach.

The sun setting over the ocean was really pretty. There was a small breeze causing me to shiver.

I'm assuming he noticed and took his jean jacket off. "Here." He spoke while handing it to me.

I shook my head while looking at him. "I'm okay. It was just a breeze." I denied his offer.

"Vanny, take it. I promise." I sigh as I took it from his hands. I put it on, the sleeves falling off from being too large.

It smelt like Colby, which I really like. "I wish we could stay here and watch the sunset forever." I speak to him.

"It's really beautiful." I couldn't help but stare at it. "I've seen prettier." I furrow my eyebrows towards Colby.

He was staring down at me, not even looking at the sunset in front of us. I could feel my heart beating in my throat.

It was pounding like a sledgehammer. The way he was looking at me was pretty intense.

He was looking at my eyes to my lips. Is he going to kiss me? He does start leaning in which I start doing the same.

I close my eyes as the two of us start to get closer. Before I knew it, I felt his lips on mine.

I could feel tingles all throughout my body. We deepened the kiss which made me happy.

Finally, I kiss the guy I've been wanting to kiss.

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