“I don’t want it.” Leo Gallagher solemnly replied, looking at me.

“I’ll have it then.” I sung immediately.

He chuckled lightly in amusement and started to walk away; without the courtesy of even waiting.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, hugging my new toy; I rubbed its shiny black nose affectionately.

“You’re very lucky, miss.” The maid said, her eyes glistening with idiosyncratic sincerity.

“Why?” I answered, puzzled at her words.

“Young master really treasures you.” Rebecca stated, earning a sceptical snort from me.

“He rented out the whole amusement park just for you. Young master knew you weren’t very happy before, so he bought the whole park for a couple of hours.”  She continued, wiping the pompous smirk off my face in an instant. 

“He really cares about you miss, you know? He even organised us to run to come and work the stalls, just so you could enjoy yourself today.” Rebecca alleged.

I clutched the toy in my hand in shock, her words brought currents of warmth inside, and a pleasant feeling had formed; making me giddy with an undeniable emotion called happiness.

“You should go, I’m sorry for holding you back.” She apologised.

I nodded speechlessly and turned around to depart; “treat him well, miss. You’re the first person he truly cared for.” Rebecca spoke clearly; erupting a tornado of confusion within me.

Surprisingly, I still had the strength to walk, despite her recent confession about Leo Gallagher. My legs felt like two pieces of lead and truthfully; my heart was even worse. Inside, it was like there was a heavy stampede of elephants; including the whirlwind of memories that hit me like a blasted tsunami.

The sidewalk was empty of people. I strolled towards the night view gondola and the only person I saw; was the orange uniformed worker playing with his PSP in deep concentration.  The booths were deserted and I could not see him. Where could he have gone? My heart was beating anxiously for some unknown reason.

The park lights flickered slowly, taunting me. “Leo Gallagher!” I called his name out loud. Silence answered me and the Gondola worker’s eyes strayed momentarily from his game console to give me a questioning look.

“Leo Gallagher!” I yelled again, placing my hands over my mouth like speakers.

Perspiration dripped down my forehead;”where the hell are you, Leo Gallagher?” I shouted angrily.

“Damn you!” I hissed, kicking the lamp post in fury. I folded my arms and sat crossed legged on the ground in irritation.

“Looking for me?” A familiar male voice suddenly said.

I looked up to see him towering above me, blocking the bright beams of the light. “Where were you?” I snarled impatiently.

“Toilet.” Leo Gallagher replied with a snicker.

“I’m not going to wait for you next time.” I snapped, picking my bear off the ground in annoyance.

“Your voice says otherwise, you sounded almost......desperate.” He said, with a confused frown.

My cheeks flamed;”desperate your ass!” I screamed, hitting him with my bear before running off to the Night view Gondola. And he followed me, not even bothering to mask the apparent amusement on his face.

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