Soukoku- Soulmate

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Woohoo new oneshot! Here Chuuya and Dazai are 17 yo

I btw didn't have time or energy to edit this oneshot so sorry for all the grammar errors/spelling mistakes!

I btw didn't have time or energy to edit this oneshot so sorry for all the grammar errors/spelling mistakes!

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Dazai POV

I watched how my classmate, Ranpo, was beaming with happiness towards my other classmate Poe.

They were soulmates and loved each other eagerly, like every other my classmate had soulmate. You could see tiny ghost-like red threads tied around their middle fingers and uniting the two of them.

They could be seen if soulmates were in the same room or if they wanted to see it, but otherwise you can't touch or feel those threads. That thread was to show who had a soulmate and with whom, and where they were if other so wanted.

I still haven't ever met my soulmate, which means that I don't have red thread, because it only showed itself when you met your soulmate and bonded even somehow (just with spending time and getting to know them)

I turned my gaze off all the lovebirds that my class contained. I didn't want to see them 'cause that only made me feel even more miserable than I already felt.

Most of the kids at this age already had their soulmates, and only a little amount hadn't met them, but constantly they got their red threads too.

But I knew that a really little percent of people didn't have soulmates. And I was very convinced that I was part of that little percentage.

So I continued waiting for class to start, trying to occupy my thoughts with anything but my worries about my soulmate.

So I continued waiting for class to start, trying to occupy my thoughts with anything but my worries about my soulmate

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Chuuya POV

I fidgeted with the sleeves of my jack, nervous. It was my first day in a new school, and I was standing in front of my classroom door, waiting for my teacher to open it and invite me inside.

Even though this was already my third school where I was going (I had to change schools because of bullying) it didn't make the introduction any easier.

After a few minutes my teacher Kunikida-sensei opened the door and signaled me to come in.

I followed Kunikida in front of the class, glancing down so I didn't have to make any eye contact.

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