36- Comp Day pt. 1

Start from the beginning

I nodded my head, turning my eye sight back to Nora.

She stood up and began stretching out her arms, taking out one ear bud she allowed Brady to talk to her. He pointed out breakage in the waves and different rip currents Nora could take out to save some energy.

The O'Neal guy stayed quiet.

Doing her last stretches, Nora took out her other ear bud and put her leash on her ankle.

Letting out a long big breath she stood up and turned to Brady and the O'Neal guy.

Brady gave her a side hug, no doubt telling her 'not to stress' and that 'she'll do great'. Then Nora turned to the O'Neal guy and formally shook his hand.

He wished her good luck, with a quick marketing type smile.

Nora moved away from the two of them towards the cone on the sand.

At that moment Kia came towards us, handing Josh her necklace and rings before putting on her leash.

"Wish me luck you two." She said with a cheeky grin

"I hope you eat shit out there." Josh said with a serious face, still keeping his eyes on the water.

"Good luck." I said with a half assed smile, ignoring Josh.

Kia smiled at me before walking up to the cone next to Nora. They said nothing to each other, not even a glace was exchange.

As other athletes joined them at the cone a big buzzer went off from the announcers stand.

"And athletes that concludes heat 3 of the 17-18 womans division, your scores will be posted up here or online." The announcer paused for a moment as he flipped to the next screen.

"And onto The final Heat of the woman's 17-18 division, heat 4! Now this is the exciting heat ladies and gentlemen. Finals heat, all other scores are posted lets see if these females have what it takes to win!"

Nora stayed focused, her eyes frantically scanning the water looking for the best entrance.

"Keep an eye out for the star of today's woman division Nora Baker, a little fishy told me thats she's bringing out a new trick today if the waves are right."

That got Josh's attention, he looked away from the water and towards the announcer. He stood up and I felt inclined to do the same.

"Alright heat 4, go surf!" And the buzzer went off.

I watched as Kia and Nora ran into the water, hoping on their board and paddling out.

Immediately Nora was hit with better luck as she took a rip past the break, noticing Kia followed closely behind.

Once out there, Nora sat on her board letting Kia take the first wave.

She was ignorant to, as the wave died out shortly after she stood up. She was only able to do a mini carve up the face before she was forced to kick out to stay in the line up.

Behind me Mr. Brooker cursed under his breath.

Nora waited watching the waves, two more surfers went. She was wasting time trying to find the right one.

Eventually she took one, and everyone held their breath waiting to see the new trick.

She popped up and immediately sheaded the wave, carved up the face and down the face several times before riding the lip.

It wasn't the best ride, but it put her scores even with everyone else.

The second wave Kia took was way better, she managed to get a few aerials in as well as a rodeo.

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