2- Babysitter

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~Song: Dog Days are Over

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~Song: Dog Days are Over

"Go fish" I heard Leah say in a defeated voice.

The sound of Maddie picking up another card mixed with the calm sounds of the ocean.

"I feel like that game would be a lot more fun if you drank." Ella's said causing me to snort slightly into my towel.

"Can't drink on the job, Ella." Sam said next to me.

I could feel the sun burning into my skin as I laid there listening to the ocean and whatever song was coming from the radio in the gas house.

"We tan, eat, and play games on the job." Ella's rebuttaled

"Thats because my dad let's you." I replied with a smirk as I sat up from tanning

It was getting hot out as it was reaching mid day.

The gas dock had been relatively slow today, hence the cards and tanning

A 6 hour shift was starting to feel like eight.

Ella had nothing to say back to me, she knew I was right, so instead she rolled her eyes with a smile and sat down on the dock.

Sam who was still tanning next to me rolled onto her back, she squinted at me thinking before she spoke.

"Isn't that boy coming tonight?" She asked sparking up a different conversation.

I nodded my head before tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah." I replied suddenly feeling awkward

I didn't want a guy staying at my house all summer, I knew it was bound to start rumors... and in a small beach town all people do is talk.

"Whats his name?" Sam asked pushing the question

"Finn." I said

Ella laughed alittle

"Ok mysterious, we see you keeping it short and sweet."

I rolled my eyes, the conversation catching the attention of Maddie and Leah.

"Is he hot?" Leah asked putting down her card, their game was officially ended by my conversation.

"Fuck hot, is he nice?" Maddie asked

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not sure, I've never met him." I replied honestly.

I really never had met Finn or his parents, but apparently they were college friends with my parents.

I didn't mind have someone around all summer, It just sucked knowing I was going to have to play baby sitter. That and it was going to be endless comments of 'are you two dating?'

I didn't want a lost puppy following me around, I had places to be.

"Well I hope he's hot." Leah finally concluded realizing that she wasn't going to get much more out of me.

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