Blood Moon Balid

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Hey Gang! Kinsman here, Been ages since the last update to any of my stories and I apologize for that. The road of life is a pain in the ass at times. Cookie for anyone who gets the reference.

But now I'm back, not permanently but you know how that shit goes. Anyways Storytime!


The morning sounds and the haze of the night before woke Himiko Toga up from the alley where she had slept. She sat up only to find blood covering her torso and lips. She didn't remember killing anyone last night and that only made her tense. The thought of going through the Blood Withdrawal was torturous to her and she immediately began to panic. Her hands instinctively wrapping around her stomach as she was expecting the hunger pangs to start, only for her to receive a chuckle in the back of her mind.

In an instant Toga sprang to her feet and reached for a knife only to have her hand brush against her skirt.  "W-What?" Toga asked now becoming frantic. She hadn't felt the withdrawal effects of blood with her quirk almost appearing... satisfied. She let that ease her thoughts temporarily but the feeling of being naked and defenseless still struck her hard. Not only that but she kept hearing the giggling in her head and now she knew she was going crazy.

Calm down child. The voice chided Toga in a tone that exuded calmness and a pleasant aura. The voice soon began to hush Toga and allowed the girl to relax somewhat. I mean you no harm. I am only wanting to discuss the events of last night, The voice took on a motherly tone that allowed Toga to calm herself further.

"What do you mean? You know what happened?" Toga asked aloud her voice somewhat dripping with fear. For as long as she knew, she was only accompanied by her on quirk's voice and now her quirk was quiet almost tame. "Where are we anyway?" Toga asked when she looked out of the alley, only to see cars driving and people walking all around barely paying the alleys any mind.

Be still and I shall help you remember, The voice spoke again and when Toga went back into the alley. She fell asleep against a wall sliding down along it to where she was positioned on her bottom.

Flashback: Sabbath Alley, 1:24 AM last night

Himiko Toga was standing just beyond the corpse of the man who brought her to the Sabbath party. She was stuck petrified staring at the corpse that was just recently made into a monster before it died. The girl backed up and fell over onto her ass with a loud thump.
"W-What the hell!?" She cried out in terror while she looked at the body. When she had fallen and screamed a voice echoed into the back of her mind.

It would appear you're still alive, Good... The effeminate voice spoke plainly before Himiko could feel the presence of another around. The young blonde teen, forgoing her previous shock, shot to her feet and turned around frantically. A small sense of fear gripping her heart now that she had just witnesses something that she knew she wasn't supposed to.

"Who.... Who's there!?" Himiko called out as she looked around the alley of the club. No noise came from any corner or close to her in the Alleyway.

You can hear me too? Well aren't you an interesting lot. The voice sounded almost amused at something that flew over Himiko's head. However soon it changed it's tone. For now though it would appear that may have to wait. You need to go back into that party.

Himiko was so not wanting to deal with whatever the voice was telling her to do but she also didn't know if she could just disobey. She began to enter back into the club from the back where she immediately got blasted with the scene of blood. A rustic iron filled the air and Himiko's quirk began to show signs of withdrawal with such amounts but the symptoms went away as soon as they arrived.

Rise of the Quirkless DevilOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant