A Mother's Pride

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Mina never thought her life would come to anything other than her self imposed plan. She was going to get into UA and she was gonna be a great hero with her friends along the way, and all it took to uproot that plan was the incident at the Sabbath party. She held onto a small charm bracelet as her parents scolded her for going to such a party but her Mother expressed her own Reservations to Mina's life, and she never could've seen it coming.


Mina was sat in her living room holding a backpack after gathering stuff to stay with Zuzu in the hospital. Her family sat around her and held expressions of worry, fury, and contemplation.

Mina's mother Louise Mandra Ashido stood over to the side tapping her foot against the hard wood tile. She was a tall woman standing at around 6'4 with the muscularity you'd associate with a wrestler. She wasn't a Pro-Hero but instead she was the sidekick at Sir Nighteyes agency. "Coagulant" was the waste control hero, her quirk allowed her to control her sweat and any body of water that it was able to touch.
"Young lady..." Louise Ashido began while raising an eyebrow. "What have we told you about those god forsaken parties?" She had finished and made Mina slowly dive deep into herself. Mina felt like a cub in front of a lioness while she was being scolded.

"That... That they are..." Mina tried to speak but was cut off from talking by Louise walking up to her only to be stopped by her husband's arm. The parents of Mina looked at one another and her father won the mental argument that they had. Louise conceding and walking back into her side of the room with Mina's father looking at her.

"Honey, They're dangerous. I know you had thought that you could handle yourself but you know the dangers that could happen," Mina's father spoke to her gently while putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to go through that my dear-"

"But it's your own fault!" Louise cut in with a slightly angered fist punching the dry wall forcing Mina to jump. "You didn't listen and now your friends are dead because of it!" She had roared while Mina shivered like she was about to cry. "Not to mention that... Thing..." That was when Mina snapped her eyes open and glared at her mother.

"That THING, Has a name mother!" Mina snapped at Louise causing the two parents to go wide eyed. "That thing, Saved My Life, and HE did more than you ever could!" She kept barrating her mother who just stood socked at her daughters words. "Izuku Midoriya did more for me than you have done in 14 YEARS! All I hear from you is 'Dont do this, don't do that,' but guess what mom I Am My Own Person! I will live how I want to from now on, and you can bite me if you don't like it!" Mina finished while her mother looked enraged at her before a smile spread across the woman's face.

Louise began to clap and softly laugh while Mina looked confused at her mom. Mina just thought she would be furious but instead she seemed elated? "That's my girl! This boy must be important to you if you snap at your mother so!" Louise had laughed and continued to clap while she looked at Mina with what appeared to be pride. "I must meet this boy! I would enjoy to see how my future son-in-law treats you!"

The words spoken by Mother made Mina blush heavily at the thought. S-s-s-son-in-law!? The thought of marrying Zuzu made Mina cover her face with both of her hands. While they did connect on a very deep level that day out. She didn't think it was gonna be this deep.

"N-now now..." Mina's father tried to step in. His more portly figure making him look like a big gumball. His quirk was called Acid blood, His blood was considered acidic to anything it touched and dissolved everything depending upon the cut. "I don't think Marriage is a great idea now." Her father spoke with a huge amount of worry.

"Lighten Up Gamu!" Louise laughed while Gamu just grimaced. The two having vastly different outlooks on what was to be going on with Mina's life. They had made the plans for her together but Louise was always wanting to put back bone into her daughter so she could break out the routine while Gamu wanted Mina to follow the list to a the letter.

"I don't want to lose my Babygirl!" Gamu cries while putting his arms around Mina in a protective embrace. Mina enjoyed her father's hugs but now wasn't the time. Mina slowly slicked her body with a slippery acid and slipped out of her father's embrace much to her father's chagrin.

"But I hopefully get to make it to UA. I was told by some homeless man that he would help get me in, if I help Izuku learn to control his Quirk!" Mina giggled  while her father grimaced and her mother grew in her elation. She would need to start planning a wedding with Mrs.Midorya soon, but something stuck with Louise though.

"A homeless man? Did this homeless man have a scarf around his neck and looked like he was having a really rough day?" She asked while she was tracing circles under her eyes to which got Mina an aggressive nod. "The Erasing Dead wants to get you into UA!?" Louise shouts while Mina looked stupefied. "We best not keep him waiting then let's go!" Louise shouted and picked up Mina onto her shoulder to take the girl to the car, leaving Gamu to wallow in his anime tears.

Time skip

Mother and Daughter made way to a drug store before they made their way to the hospital. Passing Mina a fast acting Pregnancy prevention pill provided by passive restoration quirks, Louise explained that it's always good to be safe when staying with boys.

"The pill should help Incase things get more... dangerous to your chances for UA," Louise explained while Mina nodded and took a pill. Mina snapped once and her mother enjoyed it, she didn't want to snap again and get the shit end of the stick this time. As the duo proceeded to make tracks to the Hospital, the two spoke softly and fondly on things that were to come.

Time Skip

When the two pulled into the Hospital parking lot Eraserhead had pulled in himself with his own bag but the bag seemed to be for something else. None of the Mother or Daughter could think of what could've happened but they decided not to pry.

"Eraser Dead!" Louise exclaimed and Eraser just groaned while Coagulant ran up and put her arm around Eraser's shoulder. "How you been? How's Hizashi?" She asked the two questions as if the duo had been close once upon a time.

"I'm fine, and I'm not gay," Eraser shot Louise down with trepidation while he looked to Mina and her backpack. "You plan on staying?" He asked while he looked at Louise again for confirmation of what he saw. The thought of having someone with Midoriya that suffered the same tragedy and if what his hunch was telling him was correct... well he just hoped the hospital was prepared.

"Yup! I decided to take you up on your offer!" Mina exclaimed and pointed at Eraser head with determination sparkling in her eyes. Louise laughed heartily while patting Eraser head on the back.

"Well I'll leave her in your care. I've got to head to Sir Nighteye, be sure to hand some reports to the agency alright?" Louise asked but before she could leave Mina ran up and hugged her mother.

"Love you mom, thanks for allowing me the opportunity to be myself." Mina thanked her mother before she could take anything back. Louise hugged Mina back and made sure to nod while whispering something into Mina's ear.

With Mina's mother pulling away and driving off Mina jumped at Eraserhead's side and skipped all the way to the hospital room so she could see Zuzu.

When she arrived she saw Zuzu asleep and crawled up next to him and thought back to what her mother told her. Be sure to help that boy. Whatever is happening to him we can only imagine. Mina swore to herself that she would help Izuku in whatever way she could. Even if that monster took control again. She leaned up and kissed a Sleeping Izuku's cheek and proceeded to fall asleep cuddling onto Izuku's chest.

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