The Gate to hell is open.

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Izuku Midoriya woke up to a normal day and ate his usual breakfast in his room as he always has done. His family never cared to check up on his eating habits but he always made sure to get enough of everything thanks to his part-time job that he was capable of getting due to another Quirkless person in his apartment building. Going through the motions the world seemed dark and he never once complained about it.

"Oi Deku!" A feminine voice came from the other side of his bedroom door. Izuku immediately internally groaned, he hated that name and he despised the people who would call him that but he knew he had to endure. No one would help him so he just pushed his despair down for now...

"Y-Yeah-" He responded intelligently while he was just finishing his suit for his school. "What do you need?" He asked while holding onto his school over shirt. His voice wasn't that of the meek boy people thought he carried but he always had to keep up some appearances for the sake of him not getting his usual beating.

"Mom wants you down for breakfast!" The girl shouted and Izuku opened the door with his clothes on already. His emerald eyes matched with the pale blue his sister carried before he looked to the stairs. "I'm not hungry," He answered her and immediately walked past her after closing and locking his door like he always did. His backpack strung along his back as he trudged down the stairs leaving his sister bewildered at Deku's behavior. The hell is his deal? was the Major point of thought while Izumi Yagi stared at the back of a disappearing Izuku.

"I'm heading out..." Izuku called before he slipped his shoes on and walked out of the door. His family barely taking to acknowledging his leaving before the door was already opened and shut.
Inko and Toshinori looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders never once questioning Izuku's habits of leaving before the family ate. The three family members of the Yagi clan all taking to the table and making small talk as they are the wonderful meal provided by the mother. The hall of the meals sounded with dishes and utensils clattering before anyone could utter a word.

"So Izumi," Toshinori Yagi, the Patriarch of the house and the Number 1 hero All might say at the table looking very thin and skinny. You wouldn't believe the twig of a man was ever the number 1 hero but it just so happened to be the truth. His blond hair in angles no one could every even think to pinpoint how such hair could get to such destitute design. "You think you and your friends are gonna be ok to get into UA?" He asked as was the ritual that happened during the mornings. Many times have the worries been unfounded but they didn't know how else to start the day without the confirmation.

Izumi nodded her head and waved her father's worries away. "I'm pretty sure we got it in the bag dad," The Yagi Heiress would acknowledge just like the many times before. Her previous thoughts erased as the family started talking about her further education. Her hands spinning her chopsticks in her fingers while she ate her rice and fish.

Inko would pause and look at the front door. "Is Izuku ok?" Inko asked while she wasn't one to try to check on the boy. She would have thought Izumi and her friends were taking care of the Quirkless member of the Yagi family. Izumi would wave those concerns off but stoped as she remembered the look inside of Izuku's eyes. They were slowly dying... hollow... with none of the usual warmth that they carried for her or her friends. "I'm sure he's ok... He hasn't made any complaints." She spoke with the veil of uncertainty and the curiosity of the family. Just what was Izuku's deal today?

Meanwhile with Midoriya

Izuku was on his way to Aldera Junior high holding his bag on his shoulders. The streets of Musutafu was always a comfort for him. He always got more lively out among the people and since most no one knew who he was they never asked any questions as to what the boy was up to. Running up along the path way, Izuku would catch some of the hustle and bustle of the city streets leeway and always made an appointment to travel with the crowd.

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