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Name: Izuku Midoriya

Age: 14

Quirk: Unknown

Date of birth: June 15, 23XX

Date of birth: June 15, 23XX

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Apt. Description:  Izuku Midoriya is the son of All Might and Green Twister. The Number 1 and number 8 hero respectively. Izuku has no criminal record and whatever he has is soon to be deleted by higher up status. His last name was changed from Yagi to Midoriya pending his 13th birthday. Reason for change is unknown but it is assumed to not associate with the Yagi name so in case All Might's Identity were to get out. Izuku would not be targeted for the sake of having the same last name. The boy with green hair and green eyes has had no comments as to his family life and has barely made it out of Junior highschool after the Sabbath 62 incident. Many speculations are still to be determined. Upon investigation, Midoriya will be placed under constant watch with his friend Mina Ashido in hopes of the shared trauma be put to rest.

Honest Opinion:  It is my recommendation that the duo get sent to UA highschool for watch and further study. Effects of the Sabbath and the quirk associated is yet to be determined and thus effects of such is to be taken into consideration.

Report Concluded.

Name: Mina Ashido

Age: 14

Quirk: Acid Sweat

Quirk Description: Subject is capable of condensing their sweat and manipulating it's acidic properties. Range of Properties is unknown, further testing is required.

Date Of Birth: September 30th, 23XX

Apt Description:  Ashido is a minor delinquent in the making

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Apt Description:  Ashido is a minor delinquent in the making. The Preppy gossip girl but it appears she cares for people she has grown attached to. She has displayed many points of hyper activity and is constantly the kind to start up an event be it a good or negative light. Upon study she appears to be attached to Subject 62s hip and after Sabbath 62, she refuses any attempts at us taking her home.

Honest Opinion:  It is my recommendation to keep Ashido close to Subject 62, as her safety and well being keeps the subject under control for now. Recommendation to UA also Applies.

Report Closed.


Author, Kin here! Hey so yeah I know I said that Izuku is not gonna have a primary ship, and he won't, Primary ships sill not be a thing. However, being Romantic with the Harem he gets and having the bond is going to remain so, don't say I didn't warn you.

Also Unknown Quirk for Midoriya seeing as Devil's possession isn't a quirk it will be put under the same scrutiny as One for All. It'll be told to only the people who know and the staff to take care of/Watch Izuku.

All I have left from me! Jah Ne!

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