He nodded. "Anytime. Can I look at your ribs?" He asked.

I gulped and nodded. It wasn't the ribs so much I was worried about him seeing. It was the two large gashes that formed an X across my abdomen and the scar that was carved again saying 'slut'.

I slowly lifted up the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head, revealing me in my sports bra and my scars. Noah's face was stricken with horror. "It wasn't your fault," I said. I knew he would blame himself because he was the one I was out late with in the fighting ring.

I saw his eyes gloss over and them run over the new and old marks and my dark color splotched ribs. "Please just clean them up," I said, wanting to direct the attention off of me and my broken self.

Noah began to clean up the wounds, winces and hisses of pain escaping my mouth. A long while later, he was done and helped me get off the countertop. "Thanks," I said.

"Yeah..." He trailed off, "No problem."

I then opened my arms and he walked into them, wrapping me in a hug. "I'm okay," I said, rubbing my hand up and down his back.

"No, you're not," he sniffled.

"You're right. But I will be," I said quietly.

"Let's go get some rest, baby. You can wear some of my clothes," he said. I nodded and grabbed a sweatshirt and sweats from his closet before turning on the shower. I washed every inch of my body, scrubbing until I felt raw because I hoped every scar and memory would just wash away with the soap.

News flash: It didn't.

Soon enough, Noah and I fell asleep under his covers, him cradling my head close to his chest. That's how I spent most of the day, sleeping and resting with Noah by my side.


It was now Monday. After what went down a few days ago, I didn't feel like going to school but knew I should probably just to get my mind off of everything.

Well, it did. In a violent type of way.

Anyway, basically a guy was getting touchy, then I told him to fuck off, he didn't so I beat him up. Simple as that. And now I'm getting lectured by the principle with two police officers in the corner of the room. One I knew very well as I was always in the station.

"You do realize you could have seriously injured him?" The principle, Mr. Lee scolded.

"Blah, blah, blah," I said, rolling my eyes. "Yes, I know. That was kind of my whole intention," I said.

"Why, Ms. Smith?" He asked. I tensed at that name. I would never be a Smith. That's the name of those monsters.

"He was being touchy and wouldn't fuck off. I just put him in his place," I said.

"That happened three times last week. It is Monday, Elara, please just tone it down. You need to stop picking fights," Mr. Lee said, sounding exhausted.

"I don't pick them," I stated. "Can we just get this over with? Put me in cuffs and get me out of this hellhole?" 

Bradley, the officer I know oh so well came over. I put my hands behind my back willingly and he locked the cold, metal handcuffs over my wrists. "See ya, Mr. Lee," I said before I was escorted out of the building.

A few people stared and whispered but I glared at them and they quickly turned away. "Again, Elara?" Bradley asked as the other officer went ahead.

"Yes, again," I said. Bradley sighed. I was led to the back of the car where I sat the whole way to the police station. I assumed Noah would know where I went because this happened pretty often. I have been in juvie before for some time when I was fourteen.

We arrived at the station and I was led into the same old office room I was always led to. Bradley waited in there with me until a different, larger male officer came in. Bradley exited, casting me a look to which I smirked.

The man sat in the chair across from the desk I was seated on the other side of. "What was the reason of the attack?" The officer asked.

"I wouldn't say it was an attack," I said, stretching the word 'attack', "more like a putting him in his place. But the reason was he tried to grab me, flirt, do whatever high school players do. Then I told him kindly to fuck off. He didn't so I punched him. He punched me back. We fought," I said with a shrug.

The officer sighed. "I see you've been in here multiple times the past week," he said, raising a brow.

"Yeah," I said.

The officer set down a notepad and folder he was looking over. "That's not the main reason you're here but it just so happens to be a reason you are. Where were you last night?" He asked.

I knew where this was going. "At a friends house," I lied.

"Right," he cast me a pitiful glance. "I'm very sorry to say but your house had caught fire. A neighbor reported it and firefighters and aid rushed out as quick as they could. Your mother and stepfather's bodies weren't detected in the debris," he said.

Good. I hoped they burned to ashes because that's what happened, right?

I just blinked and stared at him. Do I fake sadness? "Oh," I said with a slow nod.

He gave me a confused look. "We will have to do a DNA test to see if you have any blood relatives that would be willing to take you in. If not, you will be placed in an orphanage or a foster home," he said, getting up. "I'm very sorry about your loss. I will be back soon," he said before leaving me alone in the room.

Pft. Good luck finding relatives. I don't have any.

But why weren't Scarlett and Jasons bodies detected. They couldn't have burnt that quickly.

The door then opened again and a female officer came in. "Hi sweetie. I'm Jess and I will be taking a DNA test to see if you have any relatives, alright?" She said, coming and kneeling in front of me.

I rolled my eyes and nodded. She quickly took a swab of my saliva and told me to wait a bit for the results. Not long after, Bradley came in and took the handcuffs off, starting up light chat to keep me preoccupied.


I don't even know how much longer later, Jess came back in, a bright smile on her face. "Alright, Elara, I have some great news! We were able to locate your biological father and he agreed to take you in along with five older brothers! Isn't that amazing?"

I went blank.

What. The. Fuck


Chapter 3 completed!




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