After that, since the surface of the rock was more than big enough to properly work on, Eisen formed a hole in part of the stone and hollowed it out to contain and somewhat compress the heat that would come from the high-heat flame enchantment, and placed the mana crystal onto which said enchantment was carved into the bottom of the opening.

He grabbed the metal pole and thought about what to best do with it. Of course, it was easiest to simply flatten out the sharpened end, but that was just boring. And Eisen didn't want to make something boring. So, Eisen thought up a nice idea.

But first, he needed to figure out how his Crafting Space Skill worked. If he took it literally, it might be a physical space or area in which Eisen would create something. However, he could also take it differently, and it might be a type of headspace, where Eisen got into the feeling of crafting something, only concentrating on it. It couldn't hurt to try both, right?

And exactly to try it out, Eisen did both at the same time. He concentrated on his tools and his new workstation. To him, at that exact moment, there was nothing else than his craft. Nothing else than the hammer in his hand, and the idea of a creation in his mind. Eisen couldn't feel the soft touch of the wind anymore, and his body felt weightless as if standing in an empty space. It was as if his own body was absent, and the whole world only consisted of what he needed to create.

[Crafting Space Skill activated]

[Designated use] Blacksmithing

[Affected Area] 3 Meter radius around current position

[All Non-Blacksmithing capabilities are lowered by 5% while inside affected area]

[All Blacksmithing Capabilities are raised by 5% while inside affected area]

[Entities beside Eisen will retain their regular capabilities while inside affected area]

Immediately, something like a bubble formed around Eisen. The Inside of it was completely vibrant, filled with color even more than before, while the outside of the bubble darkened and lost its color.

With a grin on his face, Eisen cracked his knuckles and got to work. He poured his Mana inside of the flame enchantment, and immediately the inside of the opening began to glow from heat. Usually, Eisen would expect the rocks to suffer from it, but right now it just seemed like a regular forge!

So, Eisen held the end of the metal pole into the fire, grabbing the other, cooler end of it with a rag since he didn't have any tongs, hoping that the crafting space would also help in making sure he wouldn't burn his hands.

Eisen waited for a few minutes until the pointed end of the steel pole shone a bright yellow. He held it over the flat stone surface and grabbed his hammer, slowly flattening out the end of it and fixing small uneven parts all around the outer surface by heating up specific areas and then smoothing them out with his hammer, while at the same time thickening the whole pole up. This made it a little bit shorter, but since Jyuuk's height was below average, this was actually better for him than in its regular size.

Eisen could feel every hit against the steel more intensely than usual as if his body copied the vibrations that were produced in the pole when metal hit against metal. The sense he had for his creation rose to levels he hasn't felt in a long time, and it filled Eisen with a sense of ecstasy.

Now that Eisen was finished with the metal base of the pole, he concentrated on the space around him, loosening his concentration on the object in his hand, while once more taking the area surrounding him into focus. Soon enough, the bubble burst and the greenery around him lost its greyish color and regained its natural beauty and brightness.

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