Chapter Thirty Five

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After receiving her assigned car number, Takara made her way out to the cars, note in hand. She was making her way through the crowds and over to the number six car when some familiar faces stopped her in her tracks.

Homura and Miku were standing waiting next to the same car Takara had been assigned to. The two girls were scanning the crowds, waiting for the rest of their players for the night. Takara hadn't seen the two girls for a while, and something inside her wanted her to stay clear of them still.

Takara made no attempt in walking towards their car, her gut instincts telling her not to. She knew Homura still had a hatred for Takara, even though she had done nothing wrong to the girl. And if by any chance they got themselves into a hearts game, Homura would most likely sabotage her.

And then there's Miku. Takara had nothing against the girl, but in this world, it would be easier to mark people down as guilty by association. She couldn't trust being in a game with either of them. Takara looked around the diminishing crowd, she needed a different car.

A few cars down, Takara spotted a signature blonde head of hair getting into the back of a car. Deciding she was better off in a game with Chishiya, she headed over to the vehicle he had gotten in. Slightly jogging to get there in time, Takara noticed their final member making their way to the front passenger seat.

"Hey, you!" She called over, coming to a halt in front of the boy.

"You're swapping with me buddy" she smiled, grabbing his piece of paper from his hands and replacing it with hers.

The guy stood there with his mouth slightly agape in confusion. Before he could reply, Takara gave him another smile and a pat on his back before opening the car door and getting inside.

Once she had sat down and buckled her seatbelt, the driver of the car gave her a bewildered look.

"Are we gonna sit here all night? Or are we gonna leave?" She asked, making the boy behind the wheel snap into action.

Takara knew that Chishiya was in the seat behind her, seeing his reflection in the wing mirror, but made no effort to acknowledge his existence.

Little did she know, Chishiya had been smirking at her actions, finding it amusing that she was ignoring him. To him, he saw it as an opportunity to get under her skin, a game for him to play. He was going to make it hard for her to ignore him.

The driver sped off, tires screeching against the concrete. Takara grabbed the handle above her head for stability, the thought of being thrown around by his driving made her cringe. She wanted to look in control.

After around fifteen minutes of driving, what seemed to be a large park with tall concrete walls surrounding it came into view. By the entrance, an illuminated sign caught Takara's attention.


"That one," Takara instructed the driver, pointing over towards it.

The driver nodded his head, steering the car closer to the game venue. An empty car park was right by the entrance gate, which was convenient for them.

Once the car was parked, Takara got out of the car first, ignoring Chishiya as she did. She walked straight up towards the game without checking if the rest of them from the car were following her.

As Takara got closer to the gates, she could see that inside was mostly greenery and tall hedges. She guessed that inside would be a large garden, which didn't really narrow down the card suit for her. A garden could be the venue for any suit.

Takara let out a deep breath before crossing the threshold of the arena. There was no going back now.

As she walked further in, Takara saw two small tables standing in front of her. One, as always, had numerous phones for the players to register with.

Heart of a survivor × Chishiya ShuntaroWhere stories live. Discover now