Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Now aren't you Hatter's little poster girl" Niragi scoffed at Takara, her speech had been a joke to him.

Takara eased herself down from the bonnet of the car, sending him a glare once she was back on the ground.

"Think whatever you want, but I did this for these people, not for Hatter" she corrected his insinuations, turning to Kaito.

"We'll wait until everyone has made their decisions and then head back home"


It felt odd, calling the beach their home. It was their home technically, but it didn't feel like it. Takara didn't feel like any place in the Borderlands could ever be home, but maybe a person could. Someone that could be her anchor in this world of unpredictable chaos, someone to tell her everything would be okay, that she was safe.

Takara scoffed at her own thoughts, if she could never find someone like that in the real world, then she sure as hell wouldn't find that here.

A wave of dizziness hit her very suddenly, causing her to stumble a little. She grabbed onto the side of the car to keep herself from falling over.

"Are you okay, miss?" A young boy next to her asked, looking at her worried.

"I'm fine, I just need-" before she could finish her sentence, her body lost all it's strength, making her collapse onto the floor.

"Takara!" Kaito yelled, rushing over to her.

His voice caught Niragi's attention, who also made his way over to the two of them. Kaito had propped Takara's head into his lap, one hand pressing on her side, the other brushing her hair soothingly.

"What the fuck happened?!" Niragi exclaimed loudly, causing others to look over.

"She's lost a lot of blood, why did you let her carry on this long without trying to stop the bleeding?"

"Look I didn't know it was this bad, alright?" Slight panic was laced into Niragi's words.

"Tie something around her wound and get into the car with her, I'll drive us back as quick as I can" Kaito instructed, hurriedly making his way to the drivers side.

Niragi ripped a part of his shirt off and securely tied it around her stomach, feeling Takara stir awake while he did so.

"I've got you, I've got you. Just stay alive, I'm not having you die on my watch" Niragi tried to sound stern, which made Takara half smile.

"I'm trying," she mumbled.

Niragi picked her up, causing her to groan in pain. He let out a small sorry before climbing into the front seat with her on his lap.

"Could you not have just sat in the back?" Kaito asked him, getting a glare in return.

"Just drive."

Kaito didn't hesitate in getting the car started and slamming down on the accelerator, making the car speed off within seconds. Neither of them spoke to each other during the drive, Kaito focused on the road and Niragi focused on keeping Takara awake.

With how fast Kaito was driving, it didn't take them long before they were back outside the front of the beach. Kaito turned the car off and helped Takara out of the vehicle, who was now a little more awake than before.

"Can you walk?" Kaito asked her.

"I think so," she hesitantly replied, not too confident in the strength in her legs.

"It's okay, you can hold onto me for support" he reassured her.

"I'll let you take her from here" Niragi replied from behind them, earning a nod from Kaito who slowly started to walk Takara through the front doors.

Heart of a survivor × Chishiya ShuntaroWhere stories live. Discover now