Chapter Fourteen

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A loud knock at Takara's door rudely awoke her the next morning, it had been a girl Hatter said he would send to her to get her some new clothes.

The girl took Takara down to one of the many storage rooms that could be found in the hotel, this one had been filled completely with women's clothing. There were rails upon rails of different articles of clothing, yet all of them were beach attire, just like Hatter had said. She still thought the whole idea was stupid, how could she possibly play literal life or death games in a bikini?

"I'll leave you to it. Breakfast will be held in an hour down in the dining hall, you should go there once you're finished here" The girl spoke from behind her.

Takara turned around to thank the girl before she left, closing the door behind her and leaving Takara with the task of rummaging through various bikinis.

She wanted to choose clothes that had some coverage on them, they'd be more practical for the games and her survival was her top priority. That plus if there were a lot of guys like Niragi staying at the beach then she wanted to make sure she could keep the leering from them to a minimum.

Takara found some rare non-beachy clothes while making her way through the rails that she instantly grabbed and added to her pile, she'd make sure she'd save them for playing games.

Takara had to make two trips from the storage room back to her room with a large box of clothes where she would place them in her walk-in closet.

An hour had passed and she was ready to go eat, clothing hunting had been hungry work. She threw on a black bikini top and shorts paired with a sheer white kimono that was slightly cropped. She put on a pair of white trainers before heading out her room to go find the dining hall.

Making her way to the bottom floor, she walked over to whoever was closest to her to ask for directions.

"Excuse me, which way is it to the dining hall?" Takara asked a girl who was about to walk past her.

The girl stared at her, looking her up and down with a judgemental look. She then continued walking, acting as though Takara never approached her.

"Well that was rude," Takara murmured to herself.

Not knowing what way she should go, she looked around her to try and ask someone else for directions.

Scanning a few of the faces around her for a friendly one, she was instead met with a familiar one.

Daichi had spotted her before she had seen him and was heading straight towards her. Takara went to walk right past him but he grabbed her arm softly before she could.


"Don't. I don't want to hear it" She said sharply, ripping her arm from his grip.

"Please just let me explain myself" He paused, waiting for Takara's response.

She sighed, crossing her arms and awaited his attempts of redeeming himself.

"Look, I'm not going to lie to you, I thought I wouldn't make it out of that game alive. And then you showed up. I've not met as good of a player as you in weeks, let alone someone who would jump in and save me like that. I had to make sure I brought you here."

"So instead of just asking me to come with you, you decided "hey let's bash this girl around the head and kidnap her", what a gentleman"

"Listen I know what I did wasn't the best idea-"

"You can say that again"

"But I am sorry, I hope that the joys of the beach will make up for it, bringing you here was the least I could do after you saved my life" his words were genuine, and compared to everyone else at the beach, he seemed like he wasn't a total dick, even if he did knock her out.

Heart of a survivor × Chishiya ShuntaroWhere stories live. Discover now