"W-What did you j-just say?" I haven't heard anyone say that since, since, her.

He roughly grabbed my chin, "I'm sick of you. I don't care who you are or what position you hold. You're the most disobedient soldier I've ever met in my life. All you are is a liability and we can't have those here." He put my hands in power restraining handcuffs, I watched as my other form was pushed back down by force "You have one last job." His fingers covered my vision as he pressed buttons on my goggles. The power shut off and I couldn't see.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOIN--MHMHM!!" He muffled my voice and made me walk with him.

"Killing you would be much too easy. You don't deserve something so quick." We walked upstairs, I heard a door creak open and a cold wind rushed in. "So since you can't listen to anything, listen to this." My screen turned on, a play button loaded then a video came to focus.
"N-N-No.." I watched myself from a year ago tied up as a man and a woman both approached my bare body. That day still haunts me now. "I-I-I can't w-watch this.." Hot tears poured down my face. I shivered in fear and in the cold.

"Have fun keeping watch tonight." A door closed.

"NOOO!" I desperately screamed. "COME BACK HERE!! SOMEONE HELP! HELP SOMEONE--" I'm cut off by my pleas and screams in the video. I start to hyperventilate just watching. I can't turn it off it won't go away. My boxers are wet from the snow, my body feels frozen, and the tears make my face colder. "STOP IT!! S-S-S-Stop it I-I-I-I" there's no use. I fall on my side, I feel so lightheaded, my sobs fall out of my mouth. My lip quivers, and I watch the man approach me from behind in the video my eyes widen and silent tears shoot out. It feels like I'm there. I can feel everything they're doing to me.

"uUughnnn uhmmm," It's nearly been an hour, I can't feel my fingers, "c-c-c-c-c-c-cold," my teeth chatter as I talk to myself, my eyes are so worn out from crying but it won't stop. I could feel the blood dripping down from my hands. I was clenching them so tightly my claws started to cut through. "C-c-co-cold.." I repeated. The door sounded like it came open again, Viktor must have been back "P-p-p-p-please ju-ju-just d-d-o it al-al-already." I cried.

My whole body jumped at the hands touching my face; one was very cold and the other had human warmth. The hands pressed buttons on my goggles, the video finally stopped and the screen was black. I couldn't help the sob of relief. The hands took off my collar and untied my hands. Something was draped around my body, it was so warm and cozy. The hands picked me up, and I shivered and shook. I was put over someone's shoulder and taken inside.

I heard more footsteps, heavy footsteps, Viktor's footsteps, "Hey!" He yelled, "The hell you think you're doing? Do you have a death wish too?"

"Watch the way you speak to me." The man warns. "What were you doing anyways?"

"I'm in charge here. Drop him and leave if you want to live."

The man holding me fumbles with something, I hear Viktor's audible gasp, "Before another word comes out of that mouth of yours. Answer my question less you wish to live." The voice started to seem more familiar. But why?

"I-I he was a liability, sir. He disobeyed every order and-"

"And? So you made a choice for me?" More footsteps, "Take him to the prison. Tomorrow you're going to be made an example of."

"SIR!" He yelled. Footsteps carried his voice away.

My screen glitched and turned on, a man in a regular soldier uniform was holding me, one metal red arm held me, half his face was scared, one eye had a patch and the other was silver. His hair was still in the same style as the day he left. "T-T-Tord?" I groaned. He said nothing and didn't look at me. He walked to the Red Leaders Quarters. I've never been here before. It was like one mini mansion within one huge room. He carried me over to the fireplace and sat me down, I wobbled and he helped me to lay down. Still not a word. "T-T-T" I stopped to breathe, it's so cold I can't, "Ahhgnn," I groaned I can't feel my body anymore. "H-hunn h-h-help," He quickly came to my aid.

His hands ran to my wrist, "Shit!" He yelled.

The hands around my wrist became tighter as soon as his name fell on my lips. His eyes turned cold and sharp. "Don't ever call me that again." He grabbed a white box and dug around, he brought out a needle. I screamed and threw off the coat keeping my warm. I was backed into a wall, "Thom-"

"G-G-GET A-A-A-AWAY F-FR-FROM ME!" I started to scream more, he grabbed my wrist again and I started to sob, my whole body shivered, "P-P-Please ss-st-stop. P-Please I-I'll be a good boy." His hands immediately let go and his expression dropped. He got up and angrily stepped next to his desk. He yelled and knocked everything over. Glass shattered. My screen glitched and my body wouldn't listen anymore. My head hit the floor, I was too cold to try and stay awake this time.

"Uhhmm" I slowly opened my eyes, and my screen buzzed on. I moved my head to the side, I was still in Tord's room. I tried to sit up but a headache immediately took over, I laid back down and covered my ears as if that was going to make the ringing go away.

"Ah he finally wakes, we have a business to do. Let's get going." Tord commands. "And you'll be staying in for a while, the doctor said you got your hands pretty good with those claws. You won't be going on any missions until they heal completely. The Red Army needs 100% success and those hands can't guarantee that. Is that clear?" I looked at him still in a daze, and my brain spun. His boots clicked towards me, he lowered his face right next to mine and grabbed my chin. I flinched. "I said, is that clear?"

"Y-Yes sir..." he let go and I quickly shook off the shock in fear of what he'd do next time.

"That's yes, Red Leader."

"Yes Red Leader," I corrected.

"Let's go, I have a meeting to prepare."

~2 hours later~

I stood outside the conference room waiting for Tord to come out. I was having a hard time staying awake, the only thing stopping me from embracing sleep's love was the pain burning through my hands. I laid my head on the back of the wall. "He is different.." I thought out loud.

"Blue!" Tyler smiled. "You're okay!"

"Whoa whoa, what are you doing on this side of the base?" I was worried. "You realize you're not supposed to be here?"

"Oh well lieutenant Gregors told me to drop this off in the third landing zone but I got kinda lost.." he rubbed his neck. "Do you know where it is?"
"Yeah, I do but you need to hurry up and get out of here before--"

"Take a right down the hall, then a left, and go straight out the second door," Tord says.

"O-OH! Red Leader Sir!" Tyler salutes. "Thank you, sir!"

"And who might you be? Has the recruiting age lowered while I was away Thomas?" He looked Tyler up and down. Tyler nervously kept his poker face.

"No sir, he uh, well he saved Paul and Pat's lives on the field. I had him evaluated and he's got a really good shot and is a natural leader sir-"

"So you made the choice to have him be part of the army?" Tord asks.

"Yes sir but he still went through all the training everyone else did and he completed everything in half the time. He's proven himself to the army time and time again. He's even ranked up to lead a squadron."

Tord looked surprised, "Just how old are you?"

"I'm seventeen sir!"

"And your family?"

"Oh well, I was a foster kid before so I didn't really have a family anyways. When the war started I was on my own and I took shelter at a run-down amusement park. Eventually, the war shifted there too, sir."

"I see. Well if you're as good as they say then you'll have no problem filling in for Thomas here." That's a suicide mission!! He might be good but he's still a kid!

"TOR--" *WACK* My wide eyes stood still. His robotic arm backhanded my face, it might have well been a punch.

"I won't tell you again!"

I wiped the blood off my lips, "Yes Red Leader." I spat with venom dripping from my tone. 


Authors Note: Heyaa Eddheads I hope your all having an awesome summer, I'm not sure if it matters to you guys but would you rather this be one big book or divided into two? I personally don't care I'm just realizing how many chapters I have and wondering if readers care lol, so so soo lmkkkk <3 

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