Battered and bruised

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Blue steps through the whirl of blue connecting his home and his destination with a huff, ignoring the burden in his hands and pretending to decidedly ignore the large portion of magic portal making takes. Though, a single portal takes up a larger chunk of his magic reserves than it takes everyone else- an unfair turn of events irks him. It's especially frustrating to know that when he knows that the pool of magic he has access to is one of the largest in the multiverse. Alright, maybe he doesn't fully ignore the chunk of magic he's now missing but he ignores it in principle. He sighs, shifting the burden in his arms as the portal closes behind him, sealing him in a world that appears to be an empty world at first glance. It has the infinite stretching horizons and blinding white floor that empty worlds do, at least, but that alone doesn't make it a true 'empty world'.

For one, the sky differentiates his surroundings from an actually empty world. Even if this world and its sky are an anomaly by all means, they're anomalies that Blue thinks he's quite fond of. While true empty worlds bear skies that are a blinding white that matches the floor, the sky in this world, though almost boring in its subtlety, is a cream color decorated with swirling whites and golden-browns. The sky honestly reminds Blue of the pleasant plumes of color that form in the milk tea his friend Dream likes to drink when he first pours milk into it. It's a small difference that makes the world feel infinitely more welcoming, which is especially helpful if Ink, the only one of them chosen by the god of creation and another of Blue's closest friends, is right about the odd magic signature this world being a byproduct of the universe being untouched by the gods in a really long time.

That theory, along with the fact that this universe is notably absent of the constant, and rapid, state of decay that empty worlds usually exist in, are the reasons that Blue is even here at this point. Even if it's not much to look at, this world is the first thing that's given their little ragtag group of god-appointed "balance watchers" this much hope for some semblance of normalcy in a long time. Even if it's just going to be him there for at least a few hours while the others tend to their gods, like Blue's brother is, or take the opportunity to rest in their home universes (which is what most of the others are probably doing), he may as well get himself use to the new environment. Besides, even on his own he can't help but appreciate the amount of hope carried by the white floors clicking under his boots.

Besides, most of the excitement isn't just about a realistic change in scenery. This universe is going to become the "multiversal meeting place" where the balance watchers of the multiverse can hang out without the risk of destruction or injury, afterall.... Though, since Ink was called by his god right after their plan to set up shop there was solidified, the creator hasn't had the opportunity to build anything substantial yet. That being said, Blue knows that once Ink's done with it it'll probably be quite cozy....

Though, it's currently decorated with a few plastic stools in bright colors (that were almost certainly made for kids rather than the literal lackeys of the gods), an in-progress wooden table, a bright blue table cloth crumpled on the ground and the belongings (and weapons) strewn about by some of the other balance watchers... Maybe that means he should resend his mental declaration of faith in his friend's ability to make a comfortable space with his creation magic instead of making fools of them all but usually Ink's pretty good at determining when he needs to take something seriously- and he's actually quite talented in those situations, too.

Outside of just thinking about the possible future of this vast space, Blue pushes through the disorganized sprawl of unfinished projects until he finally is able to reach a clear space where he can relieve his arms of their hefty burdens with a final huff. The box he has been carrying lands on the ground with a loud thud, making Blue glad that he was careful to not to drop it on his feet.

The box is full of the tools he uses for weapon smithing and maitenence. He has no idea where he should set them up but it felt like anything else he brought here from his world would have turned into ways to procrastinate carrying over what he actually wants to work on. Since he decided almost an hour ago that it wasn't worth the effort to do anything else with his time, a random spot somewhat close to where they're setting up shop will have to do. Besides, the maintenance of their weapons is important enough to be worth the effort of setting the equipment up. Even though balance watchers can summon and unsummon their weapons at will, even the "god bestowed" equipment still become dull, are dented and get bent.

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