The Storm

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WARNING: mild graphic detail and gun violence!



The sound grew gradually louder as footsteps escalated the stairs from the lobby. The gang conflict that was on the news last night had unsurprisingly arrived at our doorstep, as this hotel was fancy and packed with celebrities. Someone was likely here for an extra paycheck or two. Or perhaps to rack up a few bodies to prove a reputation. Whatever the reason, I was less interested in the intruder's intent, than a way for us to escape unscathed. Bill and I were huddled into the closet while Tom hid under a bed. 

The perpetrator soon kicked their way into the room, draped head to toe in black clothing and a gun in hand. I wasn't exactly a weapons expert, but it was one of those real big ones. Large and lethal. They scanned the room, rummaging through drawers and nudging objects with the barrel of their gun. 

Suddenly "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake began blaring from my phone, and the armed person whipped their head in our direction. 

"Oh shit shit shit." I whispered, desperately trying to silence the phone. Bill stared at me in complete disbelief.

"Are we really about to die over Justin Timberlake?!" He whisper-shouted to which I gave him an unamused side glance. 

The gunman was now slowly making their way to the closet and we began to panic for real.

"What do we do!" I covered my face, and the next thing I knew the closet door flung open, revealing the criminal. Instinctively, I yelped and kicked them where it hurts, stunning the person for a good few minutes. Seems that one karate class I took when I was little paid off. I grabbed Bill's hand while Tom scrambled out from beneath the bed, and we made a run for it. 

We rushed to Georg and Gustav's room, where the two of them instantly ran and hugged us.

"Are they gone?" Gustav asked anxiously, Bill, Tom and I each exchanging confused glances.

"They? As in you don't know the gender or there are more?" 

"There's two of them. I think they're each in the enemy group from one another..." Georg replied, and I bit my lip worriedly.

"We have to get out of here, and now." I declared, the rest of the group grunting in agreement. 

"I'll take the lead here, my damsels in distress," Tom stepped forward smirking, "Except you Bill. You're more like the troll under the bridge." 

Bill rolled his eyes and his twin stuck his tongue out in response. It was crazy how immature this guy remained in such a dire situation. Then again, this is Tom we're talking about. He gulped before hurriedly exiting the room and peering around the halls, then making his way down the stairs and beckoning us to follow. 

When it was my turn to go, I got about half way before a little girl in the hallway caught my attention. The band eyed me confusedly, and waved me over more urgently. I was torn between my own safety and this little girl's, and in the end the child won. This whole time, I'd been telling myself, don't be a hero, now look at me. Thankfully, I reached the small girl and scooped her up. I put a finger to my lips as a signal not to speak, which she nodded to. Then I swiftly made my way to the staircase and handed her to Bill. He carefully took her out of my arms, before shifting his vision somewhere behind me.

"NO!" He screamed, and an instant after, a searing pain at my side knocked me off balance. I collapsed to the ground, time moving in slow motion. My vision blurred, and soon the world around me faded into nothingness. 

The last thing I saw was a body falling, and it wasn't my own.


HAHA😈 Y'all rlly thought I was gonna keep feeding you fluff? No! What will happen next?🤭

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