The Calm Before The Storm

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"What?!" I yelped at Tom's question. Me and Bill? Only in my wildest dreams! He could have anybody he wanted, as the lead singer of a popular band. I shook my head defensively, however I was blushing slightly at the thought of it. Tom raised his hands in surrender, and thankfully didn't push the matter any further. Luckily, the topic was put to rest and we got back to the hotel with no issues. 

"So, how was the movie?" Bill asked enthusiastically, flopping onto his bed.  Tom groaned and complained at how boring and unscary it was, when I could've sworn I'd seen him jump about a foot into the air at some of those jumpscares. I sighed and shook my head, grinning at his ridiculousness. We settled down and got ourselves ready for bed, then Bill switched on the news.

"Oh my god Bill, you are such an old man!" Tom gasped and rolled his eyes while his twin shot him a deadly glare. Tom promptly shut up and let the reporter waffle on about severe weather elsewhere in the world. 

"Can we please turn it off, it's so painful!" Tom whined as though in actual pain while Bill shook his head no. His brother continued complaining until something concerning was brought up. 

"Gang conflict has sparked fear in the locals, and riots, protests alongside other related violence have resulted in several injuries and fatalities. People are urged to remain at home with windows and doors locked. The authorities claim to be doing their best, but is it enough? We'll be hearing more from..." The reporter stated, and the three of us exchanged worried glances. Bill took a breath and handed the controller to Tom who simply put it to one side.

"It'll be fine you guys. I mean this kinda stuff happens all the time!" I said reassuringly, not 100% certain, but fairly confident. Bill smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Exactly. It'll pass before we know it. In the meantime, we should really get some rest." He said tiredly, rubbing his eyes. I noticed they were bare of makeup, and they were really pretty in their natural form. I smiled secretly to myself and got into bed. 

In the middle of the night, the sound of thunder roaring startled me awake. I breathed heavily, the panic subsiding a little, my heartbeat still rapid. I peered around the room to remind myself everything was fine there. Tom was still fast asleep, I doubt even a real break in would disturb his slumber. I looked over at Bill, who was sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He said softly, catching sight of my anxious expression.

"The thunder scared me awake is all. Sorry for waking you up," I apologised guiltily. He waved his hand dismissively.

"No, no, that's okay! I used to be scared of storms too." Bill grinned, which was impossible not to return.

I hesitated for a moment before speaking. "This is probably stupid and childish, but do you think I could... stay with you for a while until the storm passes?" I asked sheepishly. He stifled a laugh at my attempt to avoid blatantly asking to sleep with him, which my face heated up at. Hopefully it was dark enough to hide the red on my face.

"No problem." He smiled warmly, and I crawled next to him, making myself comfortable. It wasn't weird or awkward as you'd expect. In fact it was rather the opposite. Welcoming and almost natural. I grinned giddily to myself, pinching my arm just to check this was real. It was real alright.

"Night (Name)," Bill whispered.

"Night Bill" I replied, letting myself fall asleep.


Wholesome chapter!! But don't get too comfy, this is just the calm before the storm remember☺️

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