Guts and Gore

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It had been a few days after my interview, and Bill wanted to do something nice to congratulate me. The boys were all brainstorming ideas, and I shook my head and laughed at them.

"You don't have to do anything, you know?" I said, and Tom gasped dramatically.

"Nonsense. Alright, Gustav, what ya got?" He asked.

"Uhh...M-" He started but Tom waved his hand in disapproval before he could get a word out.

"Lame! Next!" He gestured to Georg.

I raised an eyebrow at him, while Gustav just shrugged and did the same.

"Maybe a movie? You know, celebrating their job at a movie theatre, it's fitting" He suggested and the band looked at me for my approval. I grinned and agreed.

"Only if it's scary, with all the guts and gore and-" Bill cut his brother off.

"I think we understand the concept of a horror movie, thanks Tom." He said, earning him a vicious look. I laughed at their antics and thought for a moment.

"Where are we going to watch it?" I asked and they looked at me in confusion. Oh. "Where I'm gonna work?" I raised an eyebrow at them and they looked back at me expectantly. I ended up agreeing and waited for the day to go by so we could get ready. We spent the time chasing each other around the hotel,  playing various board games and truth or dare. The clock on the wall now read 7:30 so I decided to get ready. I pulled on a sparkly black dress and curled my hair, then emerged from the bathroom.

"Woah, you look beautiful.." Bill gasped and smiled, a light blush forming on his cheeks. I felt my own face heat up, grinning back at him.

"Thanks Bill!" I replied, linking arms with him while we walked to locate the other three. We found them in the lobby, Tom and Georg arm wrestling while Gustav refereed. 

"Shit!" Tom groaned as Georg won, smirking smugly.

"You owe me 20." He chuckled, making Tom pout even harder.

"Fine, fine. fair is fair!" He raised his hands in surrender, still looking sour about the ordeal.

"Ahem..Earth to idiots, we have a movie to go to." Bill announced, getting everyone into action. After we all made it to the taxi, I took my usual seat by Bill while Tom and Gustav sat either side of Georg, who was now being paid his 20 euros.

"Hey (Name), you look great!" Gustav smiled sweetly. The other two boys in the back agreed, Tom of course making an inappropriate remark, to which his twin shot him a nasty glare. I smiled and rolled my eyes at the two.

"Thanks Gustav, Georg..Tom." I raised an eyebrow questionably at the last name, making everyone laugh a little.

"Oh, what movie are we watching by the way?" Georg asked, and everyone turned to Bill who grinned.

"The Shining. It's a classic!" He announced. I'd never seen the movie before, however I did happen to hear that it was pretty creepy. We soon arrived at the movie theatre and hopped out of the taxi to go and watch the movie.

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