The Shining

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We entered and of course bought our tickets before heading over to the snack bar. 

"I'll pay for you" Bill smiled, pulling out some cash. "What do you want?"

I scanned over all the options while the others chose what they were having. There was salty, sweet, sweet and salty, or toffee popcorn, or the choice of ice cream. I decided to get a bag of sweet popcorn and a coca-cola. Bill paid and we walked off into the movie. The screen was flicking through adverts, and we made our way into our allocated seats. Bill was furthest left, with me next to him, Tom next to me, then Gustav, then Georg furthest right. 

"Are you excited?" Bill whisper-shouted. I could tell he certainly was.

"You do realise it's okay to speak when the adverts are on?" I chuckled, this being news to him.

"Really? Oh! Well, are you excited?" He repeated at a normal volume, flashing me a dopey grin.

"I'm sorta scared, but yeah!" I replied truthfully. Horror movies weren't my favourite genre, as it's so embarrassing when a jumpscare spontaneously jumps out at you. I usually either yelp or flinch so harshly it'd send my popcorn flying. I sighed and prayed silently that such a thing wouldn't happen. Bill laughed a little, then the lights went off, signalling the beginning of the film. The movie theatre fell silent and we all watched. About half way through it, I flinched and buried my head in Bill's shoulder, making him jump slightly himself. He cocked an eyebrow and looked at me, attempting to hold back laughter.

"Scared?" He whispered near my head, to which I shot up, shaking my head defensively. His eyebrows rose incredulously, and he had to put a hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing. I shot him an unamused look, crossing my arms and feeling the embarrassment flush through me. Bill smiled and turned his attention back to the screen, as did I. Nearer to the end of it, a nasty jumpscare caught me completely off guard, and my hand instinctively shot to Bill's. I noticed his face blush, and mine did too. However, he just smiled softly and didn't retract his hand away. Instead, he squeezed it reassuringly and it remained like that for the remainder of the movie.

When it ended, Tom peered over at us and raised an eyebrow at the sight of our intertwined hands. I caught him looking and carefully slid mine away from Bill's, standing up.

"So! That was traumatic." I shuddered and Gustav laughed.

"It wasn't that bad" He said.

"You're psychotic."

We exited the movie theatre where Tom pulled me to the side.

"So, you and Bill, hm?"

JUMBIE !! 'Bill KaulitzUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum