Hotel Mechanic

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When we made it to the hotel they were staying in, I couldn't help but notice how nice it was. It was huge and looked expensive. Perhaps that may be an understatement. Bill caught me gazing at it and placed a hand on my shoulder. I flinched a little at the unexpected touch.

"Sorry! That wasn't meant to scare you," He smiled and followed my eyes to the hotel building. "It's cool, right? Well it's your home for a while so welcome!"

I grinned at him and took my luggage up to the floor they'd rented out. Gustav and Georg said their goodnights and headed off to their rooms while I followed Tom and Bill into theirs. The first thing I clocked was the fact that there was no couch and only two beds.

"If you don't mind me asking, where am I gonna stay?"

Bill flushed pink at the question, as if he hadn't thought about it already, and answered clumsily. "You'll stay with me and Tom in here, and...You can sleep in my bed!"

"Ooo, am I gonna have to room with the other guys tonight?" Tom teased, receiving a shoe to the head. I laughed at them while they squabbled for a few minutes, before we returned to the conversation.

"As I was saying," Bill shot his twin an accusing glare, "You can sleep in my bed while I take the floor."

I protested against the idea, but he insisted and won the argument. I sighed and gave in, leaving him looking content with himself. Remembering what this was all about in the first place, I looked at Bill's bedside table where Jumbie the injured plane was placed. 

"I should probably get to work on that, shouldn't I?" 

"Him, not that." Bill huffed, while Tom looked at me and shrugged, just as confused as I was to his personal connection to this plane. I smiled a little, finding it sort of sweet how passionate he was about things he loved. 

"Right. Let's get to work!" I declared, hopping up to reunite Jumbie with it's, sorry, his propeller.

It took a screwdriver and some superglue, but after a while Jumbie's propeller was restored and he was good as new!

"Thank you!" Bill hugged me tight and I smiled. He pulled away, a little bit redder than before and cleared his throat. "I hereby name you our Hotel Mechanic."

"Why thank you, I'm honoured." I bowed, making us both laugh. Tom checked the watch on his wrist.

"Hate to interrupt your makeout session but it's pretty late." He grinned mischievously and Bill scowled at his twin.

"Ignore him. But he is right that it's late, we should get some sleep."

We all got ready for the night, and I hopped into bed.

"Goodnight you two."

JUMBIE !! 'Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now