Pining on a Motorbike

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And now we get to the real deal. Enjoy <3


'Hello. Thank you for returning my sketchbook. I don't have much, so these are some coupons for the autbody shop I work at. I hope they come in handy.

Say hi to Wisp!

- Sincerely, Nya'

Her handwriting was messy, but he still cherished it. He kept the note in his drawer, safely sealed away from Wisp's jaws.

Her name was Nya, after all. He felt so stupid. Did he really call her by the wrong name to her face? He cringed at the memory.

But it didn't take long before his worries returned.

"I mean, I don't know her, technically speaking. Judging my infatuation based solely on looks and outer demeanor is kinda superficial of me, don't you think?" Jay said to Wisp, who continued to snore through his speech in a deep nap.

Cole turned away from his design to shoot him a glare. He took off his headphones with a scowl. "Dude, I'm trying to work here. Did you swallow a dictionary or something?"

Jay groaned, burying his face in his pillow. "I'm sorry, I'm just confused."

He drew another line on his paper, though lowered the volume of his music. "You don't have to marry her, just test the waters and see if you actually like her."

"Yeah..." He sighed, then cut his breath sort to continue his rambling. "Should I bring Wisp?"

"To an autobody shop?"

"I don't know, she likes Wisp! Maybe she'll break the ice."

He set his headphones aside, properly that time, then flopped down onto the couch between Jay and Wisp. He grasped both of Jay's shoulders, keeping his grip firm. "The Jay Walker I know would talk her ears off with stupid jokes until she fell for him."

"I've went over it with Zane before, the success rate of that strategy has not been great."

"Who cares about Zane and his statistics degree?"

"Cyrus Borg and his daughter—"

He shook his shoulders. "Jay," he said. "Just be yourself. Go there and get it over with. It's like ripping off an old bandaid, you've gotta get it done eventually. Worst case scenario, you don't click and you get a cool new paint job on your motorbike."

"I guess..." He sighed. "Wanna take it for a ride afterward? After the storm and all."

"I never thought you'd ask."


Hot coffee poured into the cup as the thunderstorm roared outside the window. It was times like these where she wished she could just stay at home snuggled up in bed and forget about the world. Alas, duty called, and she had to go.

She put the travel cup in her bag, but not before taking a sip of the coffee itself. She tried to enjoy a sweet moment of silence before leaving for work, but the sound of furious typing made it impossible.

Sincerely, Nya | Ninjago Jaya AU [Complete]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang