Noodles for 'Sam'

472 32 71


Shorter chapter, but this story is gonna be shorter anyway. Any predictions?



He finished writing the note in a flimsy piece of paper. It was a plain compliment of her art, and only that. But, if he were to return it to her, he hoped it would mean something. It was better than nothing.

In retrospect, she drew quite well. Even the drawings that didn't depict him were more than impressive. There were a few portraits scattered between the lovely landscapes and dragons. Most of them depicted a blond guy.

One thing he loved about her drawings was the simplicity in her colour; she rarely coloured in skin tones or backgrounds (probably because it was more time-consuming) and instead coloured in only the features that stood out. Examples included the blond guy's green eyes, the pink blossoms of the sakura tree she frequented under... As well as his reddish brown hair and blue eyes which matched the colour of Wisp's collar.

It probably didn't mean anything that she had drawn him. Cole even pointed out how he just draws the first thing he sees when he's bored. But she had to have stared for a while to draw him, right? And what if she saw him on a really bad day and he was a mess and-

The door of the back room opened slightly and the smell of warm noodles oozed in. He quickly shoved the sketchbook in his pocket and straightened his uniform.

"Delivery," the girl on the other side of the room announced. Her red ponytail bounced as she walked towards him, shoving the bag in his hands. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Hey... Skylor," he said, taking the bag carefully. He tried to play it cool, but his voice trembled. "Why are ya asking?"

She shook her head. "Nevermind. Sorry for making you do the double work, I'm just having trouble finding a new guy after Turner quit... Do you want me to take it?"

He took a quick glance at the address, then sighed. "Nah, it's okay. It's near my place anyway." He forced a smile. "And... it's not your fault. I've just got some other things going on, that's all."

She shrugged, locking the back door when they both exited. "If you say so."

She tied her apron and approached a table to take their order. For being the big boss of the business, Skylor sure was more lenient than her father ever was. He had heard many rumours about him, and the only thing he took away was to never work under him.

Jay rummaged through the counter's drawer for the motorcycle's keys. The moment he found them, the doors burst open.

Sunglasses indoors, spiky, too-gelled hair, as well as a flashy leather jacket with fire patterns on it. Yep, that was surely him.

"The face of Chen's Noodle House is here," Kai announced. Jay couldn't tell whether he was joking or not.

Kai took off his sunglasses. The scar across his eye had yet to fully heal, but he wasn't afraid to show it off; he had a different story each time someone asked about it.

Skylor pecked his lips when he approached, then shoved a dirty towel in his arms. "Go do the dishes, face of Chen's," she instructed. "And thanks for coming to help out."

Jay snorted at the tragic shift of Kai's expression. Kai shot him a look, and he held back his laugh. Nevertheless, Kai smiled at Skylor and went to do the work without an objection further.

Jay secured the sketchbook tightly in his pocket as he got on the motorcycle. He set the GPS on his phone and raised a brow. The building was right next to his own, and yet he never recalled delivering there ever.

Sincerely, Nya | Ninjago Jaya AU [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now