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-> POV Joshua ( Jisoo )

" Hey, I haven't written to you in a while, have I? I'm sorry, but I'm extremely busy, you were right to force me to fight for my dreams, because now I'm finally happy, I have a job I like, friends who are more like my family. Ah, speaking of family, mine tried to come back to me, but I don't really want to forgive them yet, even after eight years, I still can't, I'll never forget their words, their blow towards me, their look and their judgment.
Anyway, I also have a boyfriend, whom I love more than anything, and of course we've had arguments over the years, but the good thing is that we always manage to talk things over calmly, so we don't stay angry for too long.
By the way, we've got fans too, they're Carats and I've honestly never felt so loved in my life. It's a shame you didn't get to experience that, I'm sure you would have loved to be recognized for your passions. Another thing I'll never forget is your sparkling eyes and sublime smile! I sincerely hope you have a wonderful life up there! I'll write again soon! Your best friend who loves you forever. Hong Jisoo "

After I'd finished writing my letter, I came out of my room and ran into my boyfriend, who hugged me and asked me where I was going. I told him I was going to my best friend's grave, because today was officially the eighth anniversary of his joining the stars.
And so, after our journey, we both found ourselves in front of my friend's grave...

Honestly, once I got there I couldn't stop the tears from flowing, my boyfriend rubbed my back to help me move on, personally I put my letter in a box reserved for it, then I stood there in silence, then after a few moments I heard footsteps and when I turned around I saw my friend's parents with his little sister.

" Joshua... it's been a long time, my child how are you ? " The mom of my bestfriend say..

" I'm fine and you? " I ask softly..

" We're much better now, it's hard it always will be but we're moving on. " He's father say..

Tears stream down the family's faces at my friend, his little sister comes to hug me and I hug her too. We stay like this for a while before separating from each other, then afterwards me and my boyfriend say goodbye to the little family and we leave the cemetery.

I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling right now, but it's different, even if it's still in the back of our minds, we're starting to live normally again, it's a good feeling, and I hope he's proud of me and my journey from up there.

-> One month later.

Today we're having a fan meeting to close our concert, and our fans are numerous and heart-warming. Of course, everyone knows that there are couples here, and it's good to know that we've been supported in our decisions.

" Are you and Jeonghan planning a wedding? " A fan ask me..

My gaze shifts from my boyfriend to the fan, I gently shake my head to tell her it's not topical at least I don't know about it. Then it's at this moment that I see my lover get up, and he comes to take my hand so that I get up too so I do.
Once I'm up, my boyfriend looks at me and takes a small box out of his pocket, then shows me the ring in the case...

" Joshuji, darling... You're the man who makes me happiest on earth, every second spent by your side makes me realize how much I need you, since we've known each other you've always been a kind of example, your power, your determination, the way you fight for yourself, your goals and for your best friend are extremely admirable, you directly surprised me and aroused my curiosity I regret nothing, I'm happy really happy that you're my lover. However, at the moment, after all this time, I'd like you to be my husband. So would you like to marry me ? " Say and ask my boyfriend right in my eyes

" Yes, of course I want to marry you. " I respond with tears in my eyes..

He comes and grabs me by the waist and kisses me like that in front of everyone, I smile into the kiss and I feel him do the same screams ring out by the thousands, I've never been so happy in all my life....
From now on, I don't feel like saying Fuck my life but rather Enjoy my life...


Hey, I sincerely hope you enjoyed this story, personally I really loved writing it!
See you soon in a next story and I warn it will be a ChanCheol <3
Goodbye my stardust <3 I love you all !

&lt; Fuck my life &gt;Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora