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-> POV Joshua ( Jisoo )

Well, I couldn't think of an excuse, so here I am at Jeonghan's table, next to Seungcheol, and Jeonghan opposite me, I lower my head to my plate, but I'm only playing with my food, nothing reaches my mouth, and my two classmates have understood this, I can feel their gaze on me, it's making me feel so bad.
Slowly, I raise my head and meet my eldest's gaze. I can read the concern in his eyes and it's making me really anxious, I don't know how to get out of this situation.

" Like you're accepted among them? They must really pity you for that. " Say a voice with irritation.

I turn my head towards that voice I hate so much, obviously it's him again, I'm convinced he's the one who caused my best friend's death, I'm sure of it even though I have no proof, he hates us so much for no reason at all.

" Why don't you join him? I'm sure you want to. " My stalker say to me badly..

All the boys around the table look at me, I'm uncomfortable and too hurt to stay so I run away, let my tears run down my cheeks, and walk as best I can to a quiet place, what will the others think now? I've just made a fool of myself.
I arrive at a secluded spot, so I decide to sit down and soothe myself alone.
I thought I was alone, but finally I hear footsteps coming towards me, my head, which was between my arms, slowly rises and I see Jeonghan, he smiles at me and kneels down right in front of me, his hands coming to meet mine.

" I have absolutely no idea what's going on between you and Sovin, but let him talk, don't let his words get to you, Cheol and I have defended you don't worry. " My eldest says calmly

" Thank you very much hyung. " I respond..

My eldest smiles more and comes to take his place by my side, he invites me to rest his head on his shoulder so that I calm down, and it works perfectly well, my eyes close, I'm really comfortable here, besides I feel Jeonghan's hand come to seek mine, without hesitation I let him cross his fingers with mine and I relax even more, it's crazy how much his simple presence calms me down.

"  Lean on me as much as you like from now on you're not alone, I swear. " Say Jeonghan to me.

" I'm really grateful to you Jeonghan hyung. " I respond..

" Can't you speak Korean ? "

" I can understand it, but I still can't speak it. "

" I'll teach you, and if you want to speak English with someone I can introduce you to Hansol, if you like of course. He learn me english too, he's very sweet. "

" How can he speak English ? "

" He's from New York ! "

" Oh I see, um I think maybe it's better for me if I speak with him ? "

" Come with me, I'll introduce you to him, stand up and lean on me. "

I take my head off his shoulder and he stands up, then he grabs my hands and helps me up, I literally land in his arms, because I let myself get carried away by him, Jeonghan smiles gently and pats me on the back before pulling me away from him, He gently makes me lean on him so I can walk better, and it works: we walk together into the school and meet up with his gang of friends, Jeonghan has obviously let me go and I'm getting to know everyone, then I feel a sharp pain in my shin. I turn around and...

" You have nothing to do with them. " Sovin say, he grabs my arm and pulls me along with him, unfortunately the others haven't noticed this.

Fuck my life


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