Chapter 7: Memories

Start from the beginning

Sage approached the hiding duo, her disapproval palpable. Without hesitation, Sage administered a gentle but firm pinch to their ears, eliciting cries of discomfort. "Ow, ow, ow! That hurts!" Jett and Phoenix protested, their ears stinging from the rebuke. Glitch, meanwhile, glanced back in response to the commotion, only to discover the culprits responsible for their clandestine eavesdropping. He sighed, his disappointment mingling with a hint of amusement.



The training room was cloaked in darkness as Glitch cautiously stepped inside, his curiosity driving him forward. He approached Viper, who stood facing the glass panel, her gaze fixed on an empty expanse. Speaking softly, he declared, "I'm ready to hear the story."

Viper cautioned him to wait. "They will be here soon," she said, her tone heavy with a sense of impending revelation. "Prepare yourself, Glitch," she continued. "What you're about to learn will be very shocking." 

Glitch's curiosity intensified, his mind racing with questions. He nodded, bracing himself for the revelations that awaited him, steeling his resolve to confront the truth head-on.

As the door swung open, revealing the figures that awaited them, Glitch's eyes widened in surprise. Sage, the familiar presence, walked side by side with an unknown agent whose identity was veiled in mystery. Viper broke the silence, introducing them with a somber tone.

"You've already met Sage," Viper began, her voice steady. "And this is Omen."

Omen's voice carried a hint of recognition as he addressed Glitch directly. "You must be Glitch. Cypher told me that you and Viper share ties to my past." Confusion washed over Glitch's face, his mind struggling to piece together the fragments of information. Omen's words held a weight he couldn't comprehend. Glitch, still grappling with confusion, replied, "I'm Glitch, but I don't know who you are."

"This is Doctor Wallace," 

Viper disclosed, her words landing like thunderbolts in Glitch's ears. His eyes widened in astonishment. He stepped back, frozen with disbelief etched across his features. He tried to confirm the truth, his voice trembling, "Doctor... Doctor Wallace? It can't be."

Omen, his memories fragmented, spoke with a hint of certainty. "I have very few memories of my past, but thanks to Cypher's information, I know that my name was Frederick Wallace." He then turned his gaze towards Viper, "Why didn't you tell me about my past self? Why keep it a secret from me?" he asked.

Viper's admission carried the weight of guilt, her voice laden with remorse. "I didn't want you to know that I was responsible for what happened to you. My attempt to inject liquid radianite into your body... it killed you."

Silence enveloped the room as Omen stood silently, processing the revelation. Glitch, overcome by a flood of emotions, interjected, his voice laced with concern, "What about Sage? Why is she here? Is she involved in all of this?"

Viper revealed the truth, her voice filled with a mix of regret and desperation. "After Doctor Wallace's death, I sought Sage's help to bring him back. She played a part in his revival."

Sage, her gaze fixed on the ground, spoke with a heavy heart, "It's true. I bear partial responsibility for what happened to Omen. But even now, I can't fully understand why my attempts to revive him failed."

Omen's voice quivered with uncertainty as he sought answers, "What was my past self's relationship with both of you?"

Glitch, still processing the shockwaves of the revelation, mustered the strength to respond. "Doctor Wallace was my mentor, and we were incredibly close. As for Viper... she and Doctor Wallace were lovers."

The revelation reverberated through the room, shattering Omen's understanding of his own identity. The weight of the truth settled upon him, leaving him stunned and uncertain of how to reconcile his present self with the past that had been revealed.

Viper's steps were heavy with emotion as she approached a nearby table and retrieved a box filled with treasures of their shared past. Tears streamed down her face as she walked towards Omen, her heart heavy with the weight of their history. With trembling hands, she opened the lid, revealing a photograph that captured her and a young scientist—Omen, in his past life as Doctor Wallace.

As Omen took the photograph from Viper's hand, his gaze lingered upon the image of his former self, standing beside her. The familiarity in their eyes sparked a flicker of recognition within him, as fragments of their shared experiences began to resurface.

One by one, Viper delicately withdrew objects from the box, each one holding significance and memories of their intertwined lives. The objects whispered tales of their love and devotion, silently painting a portrait of the connection they once shared.

Among the objects, there was a worn journal, its pages filled with heartfelt letters and musings shared between them during late nights at the laboratory. Omen's fingers traced the faded ink, a sense of familiarity igniting within him.

Next, Viper revealed a delicate silver necklace, adorned with a pendant shaped like a stylized heartbeat. It had been a gift, a symbol of their unbreakable bond and the love that pulsed between them. Omen held it in his hands, feeling a deep resonance within his soul.

A small vial of perfume emerged from the depths of the box, carrying the scent that had once clung to Viper's skin. As Omen inhaled its familiar fragrance, his mind conjured images of stolen moments, intertwined hands, and whispered promises.

Viper's trembling hands then revealed a stack of letters tied with a satin ribbon. Each letter held their shared dreams, aspirations, and promises for a future they had planned together. Omen carefully unfolded one, tracing the handwritten words with his gaze, a glimmer of recognition flickering within him.

As Omen studied each object, memories began to weave together, bridging the gap between his past and present. Fragments of their love story emerged like puzzle pieces, fitting together to form a clearer picture of who he once was and the depth of their connection. His mind raced, trying to piece everything together. The objects whispered fragments of forgotten conversations, shared laughter, and stolen kisses, offering glimpses into a past he had long forgotten.

Viper stood by his side, her tears flowing freely, giving him the space and time to absorb the significance of the objects. She hoped that through these mementos, their shared history would rekindle the flame of his lost memories and bring back the man she had loved.

After meticulously studying each object and piecing together the fragments of their shared past, Omen's ethereal touch instinctively found its way to Viper's tear-stained cheek. His gentle fingers delicately brushed against her skin, wiping away the evidence of her sorrow. In that tender moment, a profound connection seemed to spark between them.

Viper, feeling the warmth of Omen's touch, closed her eyes, allowing herself to be immersed in the bittersweet emotions that washed over her. She placed her hand atop his cold, ghostly one, a silent gesture of acceptance and understanding.

Unexpectedly, a single word escaped Omen's ethereal lips, resonating in the room like a whispered revelation. "Sabine. My beautiful Sabine," he uttered, his voice carrying a blend of familiarity and affection. The mention of her name reverberated through the hearts of the other three individuals present, their eyes widening in astonishment.

"Fred?" Viper called out, her voice trembling with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. In that moment, the weight of their shared history hung in the air, anticipation filling the room.

Sage and Glitch, who had been witnessing the poignant exchange between Viper and Omen, couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a profound sadness that swept over them. Tears welled up in their eyes, mirroring Viper's and reflecting the depth of the emotions that filled the room.

"I'm here, Sabine," Omen responded, his voice steady and filled with a deep-rooted connection. The truth of his identity had been unveiled, and in that simple exchange of names, their intertwined pasts collided with the present.

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