Now that Avery is completely turned from us, Casey hits my arm to silently ask what's wrong. I shake my head and let my smile grow, which shows him that there really isn't anything bad happening.

As if her and her husband are connected, Grace comes running down the steps in a panic. "What's wrong?"

Avery shakes her head and walks away from the steps, "Yeesh, y'all are such pessimists."

Grace and Casey look at me like both Aves and I have 15 heads combined. I don't blame them, they've been the only people besides me around Aves recently and she's never been in this good of a mood. It's honestly the exact opposite of how the energy has been.

I feel a twinge of pain in my chest when I look at Grace and the faded dark discoloration on the side of her face. Both her and Avery still have their bruises, Avery's obviously more prominent and abundant, from that scumbag and it makes me angrier every time.

It's also still been a bit awkward between Grace and I. I don't have the rage I did when I first found out she lied to me, now I'm just wary for some reason. I don't want to be, but I'm just feeling very protective of mine and my girl's peace.

"Okay, so then what gives?" Casey asks, slinging his arm around Grace's shoulder when she stands at his side. He's extra protective over Grace since the whole situation too. We don't take kindly to men laying their hands on our wives.

I was about to tell them to sit down but Avery isn't in a waiting mood I guess, because she takes the sonogram out of her bag and shoves it at Grace. Eager one, she is.

Grace's face lights up as she takes it from her, looking down at it with a big grin. "Oh, my God. It's your baby!"

Casey is grinning too and I know one of them will realize at any second, so I bring Aves into me and press a kiss to the top of her head.

"Bitch, this is so-" Grace's words get caught in her throat and I have to bite back my growing smile. There it is.

It takes her another second, but suddenly her hand is covering her mouth and she's looking up at us with a sudden gasp.

"What?" Casey worries, and when Grace's response is only a choked in sob - he stresses even more. "Someone use their words, please!"

Grace still ignores him as she exclaims at Avery. "Two?!"

"Two what?" Casey asks now. He really isn't the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes, eh?

"Two," Aves confirms with a grin and a proud nod.

Grace let's out a huge squeal and jumps in her place before she crashes into Avery, making me disconnect from her. Casey looks like he's about to have an aneurysm is no one answers him. "Am I invisible?! Two what?!"

"Babies, you fool," I laugh at him, shaking my head as Grace continues to jump around with Avery. I don't know if anyone else is noticing that Avery is letting someone other than me hug her, but I am. I'm so fucking proud of her.

His mouth forms an 'o' shape before he looks between me and Aves for a solid four seconds, his jaw slacking even more as the realization continues to dawn on him. "You're- You- Twins?!"

"Twins," I confirm through a disbelieved laugh. It hasn't sink in yet. None of this has sunk in.

"Holy fuck!" he says with a booming laugh. He grips my shoulders with both of his hands before they go to both of my cheeks, holding my face. "Finny! You're so fucked!"

"So fucked," I confirm, but it comes out distorted because he's smushing my cheeks together. He suddenly lets go before he's attacking me in a bone crushing hug, "Holy shit. Fuck, bro. I'm so happy for you."

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