Chapter Three.

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"Alright," Adrian says, his voice tinged with excitement.

The barista's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and exhilaration washing over him.

"You've got yourself a deal!" the barista exclaimed, his voice brimming with anticipation. "I can't wait to see the look on Lexi's face."

They exchange final words of agreement as the café hums with electric energy from the fans.

Leaving the gas station, Adrian notices a few people snapping pictures of him, but he is relieved that they respect his privacy and don't bombard him for autographs. His mind now focused on the party, he rides back to the company, parking his bike securely in the garage. He instructs the watchman to keep an eye on it, emphasizing that no one should touch it in his absence.

Taking the elevator up to his office, Adrian shares the details of his encounter with Lexi and the information provided by the barista. Chris, always resourceful, immediately gets in touch with his contacts in the Nairobi scene to gather more information about the secret party and the upcoming race.

As Chris investigates, he discovers the key details about the event, including the names of the participants and the strict rules of the gathering. The party is known for its secrecy, requiring attendees to relinquish their cell phones upon entry. Any content posted online is swiftly removed by the mysterious organization behind the event.

Excited by the prospect of meeting Lexi at the party, Adrian confirms his attendance without hesitation. Chris, however, expresses concern about Adrian's potential recognition and suggests taking precautions. Adrian reassures him, stating that the party's discreet nature will minimize the risk to his reputation.

To ensure their anonymity, Adrian and Chris devise a plan. They will have their masks on, ensuring that Adrian's true identity remains concealed. Additionally, the barista has provided them with VIP access, granting them entry to a secluded area away from prying eyes.

Together, Adrian and Chris finalize their preparations, leaving nothing to chance. They agree to meet again to discuss the final details and coordinate their approach to the party. With anticipation building, Adrian is determined to uncover the mystery surrounding Lexi and embrace the excitement and challenge of the upcoming race, all while safeguarding their secret rendezvous from the public eye.

Meanwhile, Lexie steps into the Herdrenaline building, her mind still reeling from the encounter she just experienced. She seeks out Ryan, her closest confidant and fellow enthusiast of the Superbike world. Finding him engrossed in his work, she can't contain her excitement any longer.

"Ryan, you won't believe it," she begins, her voice trembling with a mixture of disbelief and elation.

"I just met Adrian. I talked to him! Well, just a little.

Ryan looks up from his desk, his eyes widening with astonishment. "Adrian? The Adrian? You're serious, Lexie?"

Lexie nods, her gaze locked with Ryan's, conveying the gravity of the situation.

"Yes, the one and only Adrian. It's hard to fathom, but it happened. I still can't believe it myself."

The room seems to buzz with renewed energy as Ryan leans forward, eagerly awaiting every detail.

"Tell me everything. How did it go? Did you have a real conversation? What did you two talk about?"

Lexie pauses memories of the encounter flooding her mind. She struggles to find the right words to convey the mix of emotions coursing through her veins.

"We were just talking," she finally says, her voice tinged with awe.

"But I just stood there, Ryan. In front of the most amazing person I've ever met, but now I have. It's like I'm a whole new person. I feel happy, overwhelmed, and underwhelmed all at once. I don't even know how to process it."

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