Chapter 12 || We should get married

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The last thing Blake wanted to do is get up with the sun, for once she just wanted to sleep in. But of course Beth was the one who watched Judith and Rick got up at the crack of dawn so she had to and Blake was a light sleeper. Over the last six months they had gotten into a routine, Blake would get up and hunt about once a week. They were doing pretty good on food though so she wasn't needing to stress about it too much. They had snares set up that she would go check everyday with her dad if there were no runs to go on.

If she wasn't going hunting she could sleep in longer, hypothetically that is, of course with Beth getting up that meant she was also getting up. And that is exactly how it went today. Blake was deep asleep when the weight on her chest shifted, she knew exactly what that meant and she was now awake. She kept her eyes closed though as she wrapped her arms around Beth's waist and pulled her snug against herself.

"You know, Glenn and Maggie, they are always sleeping in." Blake grumbled, opening one eye slightly to look up at the girl who was on top of her. Beth giggled and pressed a kiss to Blake's cheek.

"Well I have a baby to look after, I can't be late to that." Beth told her with a small smile. Blake groaned and tightened her grip around Beth's waist but eventually let go. Beth rolled off of her leaving Blake alone in the bed.

"Sometimes I think you love Judy more than me," Blake stated as she sat up swinging her legs around so her feet were on the ground. She watched as Beth hurried around getting ready for the day.

"You think?" Beth asked, shooting her a smirk over her shoulder as she shimmied on a pair of jeans. Blake rolled her eyes and grabbed the girl by her belt loops spinning her so she was facing Blake and standing in between her legs.

"I refuse to be jealous of a baby," Blake said as she stared up at the blonde. Beth in turn just smirked down at her.

"Good, because while I do love Judith she's not quite as entertaining as you." Blake raised an eyebrow at that as Beth started weaving her fingers through her hair. "You need a haircut." She added and Blake scoffed before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her girlfriends bare stomach.

"You can do that tonight when I get back from the run then." Blake told her and Beth nodded, hands still buried in Blakes hair.

"Okay, I need to go." Beth interrupted as Blake laid another kiss to her stomach. Blake groaned but allowed the girl to pull away and grab a shirt. She slid it on and dropped a kiss to Blake's lips before scurrying out the door. Blake rolled her eyes but stood to get ready for the day as well.

She thumbed through her growing shirt collection and found a good ACDC shirt to throw on. Then she pulled on a pair of black cargo pants and threw on her hat and boots before making sure she had both of her knives in their rightful spots.

She spent the rest of the morning getting things put together for the run they were going on. It was a big one, the Big Spot a few miles away that was practically untouched. She went through her mental checklist making sure they had all the medical supplies needed in the bins along with some extra food and water. 

Then she went through the check over on the cars, making sure they were good on oil and gas. Finally she got to her bike, she had gotten lucky a few months back when out with her dad they had stumbled across a dirt bike. Blake basically begged him to let her take it back with them and ever since it was her baby. It might not have been a motorcycle motorcycle but it was perfect for Blake.

By the time she had gone through all of her checklists people were up and out and about. She passed Sasha on her way to grab some breakfast and let her know that she had gone through the list and everything was good to go, they just needed to load into the cars. Then she headed to grab some food.

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