Shakken was a thing and more feelings

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I wondered if they knew? Was it possible to tell?

Never did I mention it to anyone that I call a friend or a family member.

Although this is true, I barely even admit it to myself. 

This thing with Drakken happened after the alien invasion. At first I blasted away the dumb vine around us getting our awards for helping save the planet. It freaked me out. And a few months later we gave us a shot. Yes, Shakken was a thing for one year. One year and I wanna say three weeks. That had been more than enough for me. Drakken and I had been kinda friends for many years. We had a close relationship that was platonic. There were a few times when I went stupid(objects making me act a fool) and thought I liked him more than friends. 

That damn moodulator, ugh that was the worst. So many emotions controlling me and I hated it. I remember running after him in a furious rage that eventually broke when the thing on my neck did. 

He was scared of me for the rest of the week. I took a vacation days later. 

When I got back we had a long talk. 


Let's go back to the fourth month of dating him. He had enough guts to ask me a question. 

"Why is that burnt picture of you and Kim in a frame beside your bed?" He'd asked in our house. Yes we even bought a real house together and not a lair. Yeah, super strange to us too. If there had been a white picket fence I would've painted it black. Or blasted it into pieces with my glowly green hands. 

I reminded him I was zapped by a device and turned good for a while. During that time Kim and I became very close. And thanks or no thanks to him he knocked over a pole and crushed the helmet thingamajig. I can't remember what the name really was. 

"I have deep feelings for her." I simply answered. "Stupid real feelings." 

"Ohhhhhhh." He'd only said and acted weird around me for a few days. 

He came to me on a Sunday and said, "You like men and women, right?" 

"Yeah, but I like Kim a lot more." I confessed. Damn it. That red head had my heart attached to her stupid grappling hook. 


The sixth month with him brought news I never wanted to hear. 

Drakken had errands to run and came across the town of Middleton. He laughed as remembered many times when he encountered Kim and her so called sidekicks. 

The biggest announcement was on the Middleton High sign, Congrats on your engagement Kim and Ron!! Drakken was floored. Oh snap! Should he tell Shego? 

I watched him pace for almost two hours. "Gah, what's wrong?" 

Drakken stopped and looked me in the eyes. "I'm sorry." He said and had handed me his phone. "Look at the pictures."

I read the sign he had taken a picture of. I handed it back to him and left to hide. I cried for a long time. 

"Shego?" He said the next day, "I think you should go tell Kim how you feel." 

I laughed. "And be rejected - no thanks." 

"So that's it? You're just gonna . . . um . . . love her and not say anything?" 

Yep. I nodded, "Exactly." 

"That's stupid." He firmly said to me. "Tomorrow is not promised. You should tell her at least."

I did not. 

It was crazy when I got invited to that fricking wedding. 

"What if I go and tell Kim about you liking her?" Drakken said with a side smile. 

"Hell to the NO!" I growled. "My secret stays here. Don't go to her wedding." 

Drakken already had a suit in mind. "  . . . but I wanna." He said like a child. 

Fine. He was a grown man, well sort of, he could do whatever he wanted to. 

He went and I hid miles away in a hotel room under an alias. I locked my feelings away and promised myself that I would love the woman from afar. Like I had told Drakken, what good what it have done to share my feelings? It would've lead nowhere but heartbreak town. 

Would I ever tell Kim my feelings? Likely in a letter that she would find long after I'm gone. 

Drakken and I stayed friends and went back to the way it was before without the taking over the world stuff. We found new ways to earn a living through the internet. Working from home was the best thing. I could go on vacation any time that I wanted to. 

Hello Greece! How I love you so! My comfort place and where I came to call home. 

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