What Christmas means to me

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My eyes are on the prize. I see that two other people are eyeing the same gift THIS COULD get ugly in five seconds. It felt like a slow race to get the giant plush Rubix Cube. My kid wants it more mister in the blue and gray striped shirt. That goes for granny in the pink cardigan too. 

I've never seen a grandmother sprint like this before. I had the edge though, my gymnastic skills won the race. I felt bad for Grams, but I know I didn't want to disappoint my ten year old son, T.J.

The man made an ugly face at me and most likely gave me the middle finger after looking away. I held on to the plush for dear life. I paid and ran to my car. Yes, it was one of those HOT items this year. My son begged for it and I'd been to seven different stores already. 

A few minutes later my Kimmunicator went off. "K.P. did you get it?" 

"Yes. The competition was tough but I won it!" I said with a laugh. "I'll grab some lunch and be home in a while."

Ron made frustrated sounds. "This remote control car better be worth it." He'd been standing in a line for almost two hours. "I think they have only a handful left." He said disappointed. 

"If you don't get it make a deal with someone. Or at least try to." I said and headed for Wingstop.  

Before heading to get food I had to get my kids. They were at my parents house so I had to stop there and get them. I had the present covered up with a blanket and told T.J. not to touch anything. I saw T.J.'s face. The ten year old was trying to hide his smile, but he knew what was under the cover. 

My thirteen year old, Kiley was on her Kymunicator, texting her friends. 

"I hope I've taught you both what really matters this time of year. And to carry it on every day as well." 

"UH-HUH." Kylie said, head down and typing. 

"Yeah, mom." T.J. said. 

I decided to pull over. "Put that away." I told Kylie and she gave me a mean look. "I'm serious. I want to hear it from both of you. T.J. you go first." 

In an angry teenage way and only loud enough for me to hear Kylie said, "I wanna go home." 

I chose to ignore her. 

"Presents are not what makes the holiday. It's time with family and friends." T.J. said with a satisfied smile. 

Nice! "You score three points." I said to him. "Ky, I need your answer." 

"What he said." Kylie said, not looking at her mother. 

"Try again." I said, my tone changing to anger. 

Kylie knew she had to answer. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Love. Kids. Family. Bible stuff. Being kind and all of that." 

I wished Kylie would add more but knew the girl wasn't gonna say anything else. "Good. Thank you." 

I knew we had to have a family meeting. I wanted them to really understand this time of year. After our meal at the table I said, "Let's all go in the living room and have a nice talk." 

The teens said angry things under their breath and I went to clean off my plate. 

"Is this really a good idea?" Ron whispered to me. 

"Trust me. You need to hear it too." I said with a smile and finished cleaning off my plate. 

Soon everyone was in the living room. 

I took everyones phone away and they were all upset. "We can't live on the phone. It's nice to have if you need it. Yes, even I like to watch shows and play games. We also need to make time for real face to face talks. And take a walk with a friend or two." 

Man, the looks from these people were enough to make my warm skin shiver. 

"Guys, I'm serious about this. It doesn't have to be every day, but you should make time for family and friends. Ky and Teej, you also need to tell me or your father where you are going. I know you hate that, but it's a safety thing." 

More eye rolling and angry teenage cursing to themselves was noticed. I even took in the sour look on Ron's face. Hey, you are a parent, not my kid. Act like one! I thought to myself. 

"What this time of year means to me," I started and I felt the annoyance of my family seep into me. What a heavy loaded invisible weapon to carry. I started to cry. 

Ron snapped out of his state and ran over. "Babe, what's wrong?" 

"No one cares HOW I FEEL!" I shouted. 

"I do! We all do." Ron held his wife and looked to his kids. His stare made him finally get up. 

"Sorry, mom." Kiley said and Ron pulled away to let them hug. "Love ya." 

T.J. stood to the right side. "I'm sorry too." 

I hugged him and they went to sit down. 

I still had tears wetting my cheeks as I spoke. "This time of year means family. To be with the ones I love most. To enjoy these days of food, playing games and just talking. This time also means giving back and helping out others in need. I know over the years I've done these things with all of you. We all know there are people without food and shelter. Even animals wanting the same thing. Some are not lucky and seek out these things. There are a lot of mean people that won't help, but there are nicer ones that do. People like us." 

"Yeah, helping out is cool." T.J. said with a head nod and grin. 

Kiley also nodded her head. "Are we going out to do some helpful things?" 

I smiled happily. "Tomorrow! Giving out food and blankets." 

"Forgot to tell you that Bonnie wants you to call her back. Something about Dumpster Diving." Ron said with a toothy 'My Bad,' smile. 

"Thanks. Anyone else want a turn?" I asked, hoping at least one of the kids would say something. 

T.J. stood up. "All of this Christmas stuff is about religious stuff, right?" 

"Not all of it." Ron said, "Since we celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas there is a more of it. Then there is the act of selfless giving and not expecting anything in return. There is like so much more. It all comes down to being a loving caring person. In my opinion." 

Kiley added, "It's fun to help out others that need it. I wanna help build a tiny home community and I want all of you to help, please." 

"Sounds great!" I beamed. She was such a smart cookie and always doing science stuff, like my brothers. "We'll all text the plan out to our family and friends soon. I need to call Bonnie." 

"I wanna go diving too." Kiley said. 

"Only if there's a large group of us. I'll go talk to her, okay." A big group meant better security even if it meant taking two cars. 

Believe it or not, Bonnie was working for a community service shelter that provides for kids, teens, adults and seniors. A place that accepts donations and gives to those that need the help. 

By day she was kept and looking top notch and some nights she was with Kim. Going through dumpsters and finding so much good stuff for all of these families in need. It was a family thing too. Some nights Junior and Jolie, her almost twelve year old loved to help out too. 

Bonnie still was the same in many ways, but since becoming a parent and becoming closer with Kim, she had a change of heart. Bonnie even lived three miles down the road. They raised their kids together which was annoying and nice at the same time. 


Kim made those plans with Bonnie and their families for a night dive. The next day Kim and her family all went to help give out food and blankets for those in need. 

**Side note: about 3 months ago I started watching Diving videos, Dumpster Diving Momma of two and 3 weeks ago found out her name was Shannon and has a kid named Kiley, small world!?! lol (Go sub) :)

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