A deal with . . .

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*Note: These characters appeared first in my Unfinished story, Speak of The Devil

"I've told you so many times! I'm evil!" Shego shouted Drakken. 

Drakken backed away. He was now scared of her. For REAL. "I believe you." He quietly said as she angrily walked away. 

"Why do people never believe me?" She asked herself and pushed open a hidden door. It quietly shut and she went down some stairs to a basement. Concrete was all around her except for two small high windows. She walked over to a wooden desk and pulled open a drawer. Taking out a book she turned it to page 42. Black Candles and how to use them. How to place them for what you want.

Shego made an odd shape and lit the candles. "Offerm hoy ifey chalta." She spoke and eyes of red appeared in the corner of the room. 

"Miss Go." A deep yet mildly sexy voice said. "What do you need from me?" He came closer. His hair was black and his smile gleaming. His eyes were inviting like the sky. Then he blinked and they turned red for moment then turned dark brown. 

"Hi, Deacon." She said. "I'm ready when you are." Yes, they had spoken once before. She had told him that all she'd ever wanted was to be with Kim. She'd spent years without her and was over it. 

He clapped. "Wonderful!" He held out his hands. "Place yours in mine and say your wish." 

Shego did and felt a slight burning sensation all over her body. It felt odd, kinda nice, but also a bit scary. The feeling started in her hands, went to her head to her toes and slightly made her stomach knot up. Then the feeling eased, but lingered inside of her in a stale waiting state. 

"Are you sure you can help me win Kim Possible over?" 

"A million percent." And now he'd marked Shego with his touch. 

A ring of fire appeared out of nowhere and a tall woman stepped into view. "I've about had enough. Heldan is such a jerk!" 

Shego was confused and attracted to this lady. She was around 5'8" with deep auburn hair and dark eyes. She wore a white top that had a scoop neck and short dark cinnamon skirt. Her white heels clicked in the floor. "Who's the hottie?" 

Deacon laughed. "Cathrine, quit complaining. Meet, Miss Go." 

Cat smiled, a very impressive and perfect one. "Nice to meet you. I gotta kill my brother for being a dumb bas-" She stopped abruptly when she saw the change happen. 

Deacon was so angry that he'd changed into his true self. Horns, long black nails, dark red skin and two onyx eyes. 

"Sorry, father." Cat said and looked to Shego. "I hope you know what you're doing." 

Shego nodded. "Selling my soul to get the girl of my dreams." 

Cat nodded and snapped her fingers. The ring of fire appeared again. 

Shego looked through it to see a massive rock cavern of burnt orange looking rocks and a round pit of fire that roared like a siren's song. She could see what looked like people. Dozens of them in lines waiting to be sorted out. 

Deacon Vield gestured to the underworld. "Want a tour?" 

Shego shivered. "I'm good on this side." 

He laughed. "Is this girl worth it? There will be a price to pay for my service you know." He smirked. "And I noticed you had an interest in my daughter. Alas her heart is attached to someone else." 

Was Kim worth making a deal with the Devil himself? Shego was having second thoughts and he could tell. 

"Yes or no. I have things to do." Deacon spat out. 

"Ye-Yes." Shego got out. 

Kim woke up the next morning thinking of Shego and asked Wade to find her. She broke off her long term relationship with Ron and dated Shego for a while. 

One day Shego asked Kim to marry her. After Kim said yes she had a stroke and clung to life enough to tell her that making a deal was worth it. Kim didn't understand as Shego slipped away. 

Cat was standing there (invisible to the living eye) as Shego joined her. "Was she really worth the deal?" 

Shego cried standing beside her. "Every second of it. I love her more than my own life and she knows it." 

Kim cried, freaked out and called 911. She also knew that Shego was already gone. 

Days later standing beside the grave Kim said, "I wish you hadn't made whatever deal you did. I cared for you long before we got together. Maybe we could've had something sooner if you'd told me. You'd still be here now." 

Shego was watching and listening to her. "I'm an idiot." 

"Love does that to people and demons." Deacon said to her. "Come now we've got souls to take and sort." 

Shego frowned deeply. "I love you, Kimmie!" She shouted before Deacon took them back to level six. 

Kim spun around hearing the faint sound of Shego's voice. She wasn't there, but knew she had heard it. "I love you too." She said and blew a kiss downward. "Forever." 

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