Finding Mr. Ganderfall, part 2

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The next five hours were filled with scenarios of where Benny/Aviarius could possibly be. They weren't ruling out Amy's place either. 

Search and dive teams were out there right now trying to find any clues. 

Kim and Shego were watching security tapes from the grocery store to see if anything was out of the ordinary. 

Salaski was with Ron and Hego looking at footage from traffic cameras. 

Soon they came back together. 

"How could he just up and disappear like that?" Ron wondered. 

Underground Lair, Shego thought. That was a huge possibility. 

"It happens more than you know. And for numerous reasons." Hego told him. 

"I need a nap." Shego said and yawned.

Kim nodded. "I think we're all tired. Let's get a few hours and regroup." 

"Babe, I need at least six hours." Shego said, rubbing her eyes. 

Kim had never heard her call her that before. She kinda liked it. A smile came to her lips and she turned away. 

Hego and Ron had noticed her expression. 

Hego leaned over to whisper, "Does Kim secretly have a crush on my sister?" 

Ron was quick to point out, "She's happily married to me!" 

Is she though? Hego thought, watching Kim closely. 

"I'm gonna use your shoulder as a pillow if you don't let me sleep." Shego told Kim flat out. 

Kim stood up. "Let's go to our hotel then. What floor are you staying on?" 

"Uhhh . . . five, I think." Shego looked over at Hego. 

"Correct." He added. 

"I'm on three." Kim told her. "Set your alarms when we get there. We really do need to find Mr. Ganderfall. I'm sure he has family out there wondering where he is too." 

Ron made a face. "Does he have a family?" 

"Everyone has a family out there. A parent that's wondering where you are or a friend that is like family." Salaski told them. 

A heaviness rested on everyone's shoulders. They knew they really had to help out. 

Kim decided that they all should stay in her room. 

"Dibs on the bed." Shego said as she pulled on Kim's shirt. "You're next to me, Possible. There's no way I'm sharing a bed with your hubby or my brother." 

"Yeah, fine. Let me set my watch for two hours." 

Ron's voice was like silver nails on metal, "TWO HOURS?" 

Shego wanted to blast him with her green. OMG he was so freaking annoying! She rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth. 

"Yes," Kim started, "Now lay down somewhere and rest." 

Hego sat in a chair and Ron jumped on the end of the bed. 

Kim could tell Shego was furious. "Please just let him stay there." 

Shego said nothing and laid down with her back to Kim. 

Kim laid there for a while. Her eyes turned to Shego constantly. She wanted to touch her hair. Was it as soft as she thought it might be? 

"Kimmie, just go to sleep." Shego said and hoped Kim would stop staring at her. 

Kim got up after her watch went off and let the others sleep longer. She got on her tablet and started searching a map of the area. 

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