Hi, it's me, part 3

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Kylie felt attacked and alone. She avoided everyone and left the living room. 

I looked to Steph. 

Steph jumped to her feet and ran upstairs. 

I turned to Shannon. "Kylie? My little girl?" 

"Your little girl is all grown up." Shannon said and I felt her kiss my cheek. 

"She . . . no . . ." I felt tears drip down face. 

"Kim, you gotta be gentle with her." Shannon said and my eyes met hers. 

I knew my approach had to be calm and collected. 

Steph shut the door to Kylie's room. "At least it wasn't me that outed you." She said with a stressed laugh. 

Kylie looked up with tears spilling from her eyes. "I'm honestly scared." 

Steph shook her head. "Why? Your mom is Bi, babe. Is she gonna ground you for loving another girl?" 

Kylie was shaking. "I don't know." She said in panic. 

Steph went to sit with her. "We're in this together. We've been off and on since I was like thirteen. Now we're going strong with a few years under us. Sure we're young, but we love each other." 

Kylie snuggled into Stephs arms. Her safe place. 

About two minutes later I very quietly I cracked the door to Kylie's room. I peeked in to see them super close. I saw Steph kiss the side of her head. I could hear Steph talking but couldn't make out what was being said. 

"Let's stop snooping and talk to them." Shannon whispered. 

I looked at her with desperate eyes. I didn't even know what to say right now. 

Shannon pushed open the door. "Hi, ladies, we're gonna need you to spill the goods. Like HOW in the world did you keep this a secret from me, Steph?" 

Kylie pulled away and wiped her face with her comforter. 

"It was super easy. You didn't know that I was still best friends with Kylie. You thought we grew apart over time. We didn't we made time for each other. Grew closer than ever and have been dating for three years." 

"Three years?" I said loudly. "That's a long time to keep a secret." 

Kylie didn't look at her mom, but did say, "Try hiding yourself at twelve years old. When everyone around is asking if you've got a boy crush. I couldn't say I have crushes on girls. People would've freaked out. Why do other people hate on us? Why did I have to live in fear all these years?" 

I watched my daughter fall apart and it crushed me inside. I went over and pulled her into my arms. "I know it sucks. There are evil people out there that want to hurt people that aren't like them. There's also people that are on your side and I am too. I wasn't always Bi - at least I don't think I was. I'm sorry. I never wanted you to feel like this." 

Kylie pulled away and looked into her mother's eyes. "I didn't think you would accept me. I know you and dad would've done anything back then to make me straight." 

I sighed and looked away. "True." 

Shannon put a hand on Kylie's shoulder. "At least she came to me and told me." 

I felt my body move into action. "What?!" I yelled out. I was sturdy on my feet now and was so upset. I turned to Kylie,  "You told Shego and not me?" 

"Hell I didn't even know." Steph said, kinda upset now. "I thought T.J. was the only person you told." 

Kylie felt bad. "I needed someone to talk to." 

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