Oops . . . I did it again (after grad party at beach)

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I can still hear Kim yelling at me. After her car literally flew us toward the full moon it started making a noise and then it plunged from the sky. Luckily Jim and Tim had installed parachutes in the rear and front. 

I freaked and she looked annoyed as she hit the release button for the parachutes. 

I screamed and thought it was over. 

Kim yelled at me (Did you put gas in it?) after I had used it earlier that day. 

Oops . . . 

We crash landed in trees and it scratched the crap outta her car. We both got cuts and brusies, but it could have been worse. 

And it did come the end of us. I tried apologizing like crazy. We had just kissed and shared a wonderul moment. Now this happened with the car. 

"You are so," Kim started, making various sounds with her mouth. "I've had enough! We are over. And you have to pay for the damages to my car." 

Ouuuch. I deserved that. I had forgotten to refill the tank. 

I did it again. Something stupid and this time I had gone too far. I had promised, pinkie and all that I would put gas in her car. 

I had been right all along, the world had ended for Kim and I. 


"Did you see that?" Bonnie was in shock as she asked the people around her. "Kim's car fell from the sky! I saw it!" 

People around her thought she was losing her mind. 

"Am I the only one that saw it?" She yelled out. 

Mr. Barkin came over. "Sadly I saw that too." He bowed his head. "May they rest in peace." 

Dead? No way! 

Bonnie started crying. "I was horrible to her. I just wanted to be right and her to be so wrong.   . . . but I did care about her." 

"I'm calling 911." Barkin said and walked away. 

Bonnie ran to Junior to tell him everything. 

Kim switched her Kimmunicator to compass mode. "I think the school is west of here." 

There was a loud noise of trees bending and the car hitting the ground. She winced at the crunching of glass and shed some tears. Goodbye car I hated and loved you. Now I kinda wanted a hover craft like Shego and Drakken had. 

I cried too, mostly because I had to pay for it. "Kim, I'm really sorry." 

Kim shook her head. "Thanks . . ."

I thought she was gonna say more but she clearly chose not to. 

After a few minutes of walking we heard a sound. A plane? I looked up and so did Kim. "Help!" I screamed up at the helicopter. I frantically waved my arms and hands. 

"Chopper 6 reporting. Kim and the boy are alive. I repeat they are alive." Leah Stagg said into a walkie to the people at the control center. 

The responder said, "Got it! They are lucky to be alive." 

Kim and I climbed a rope ladder and got into the copter and landed about a mile from the wrecked high school. 

Most of Middleton and the world was still in deep repair from the Lorwardian invasion. 

I remember going to Kim's house with her only to find no home at all. That destroyed her family and they came to live at my parents house. As of now they were searching for a new place to live. 

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